Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
I came across this book the other day. It had just come up during a conversation a short time ago wherein I was doing my best to hide my disbelief that my eldest could not recall the “required” bedtime book I read to him so long ago.
The smell of pee slapped me hard in the face. “Oh John, come on buddy, get up, let Momma change your bedding okay?” I was already balling up the quilt above John as I spoke. John, completely unaware of his situation, slowly moved. I stripped his tee-shirt and sweats he was wearing, pulled off
Last year the Center for Disease Control reported that dating violence amongst high school students is commonplace with 1 in 11 females and 1 in 15 males experiencing physical violence and 1 in 9 females and 1 in 36 males surviving some form of sexual violence in their interpersonal relationships. 26%
It has been years that I’ve been having stomach issues. At first it was slow going in the symptoms; and, I had a lot of other life things to distract me from me. Slowly my symptoms of bloating and stomach pain started getting worse. It became a joke of sorts... until the day it just
Everyone knows one crunchy friend. The one who used cloth diapers, made their own baby wipes and even makes dog food treats. I am not the crunchiest Momma out there, but I am pretty far gone. I am also house bound with my son, so we missed all the wild, crazy clear-the-shelf-shoppers hoarding supplies in event
Although my daughter is non-verbal, a language that her and I both share is our love of food and making recipes together. She is always eager to help with recipes and this is one of our favorites that is simple to make and a winner with whoever
© ali osman pekoğlu_123rf 10,949. That’s the number of human trafficking reports the National Human Trafficking Hotline received in 2018. Those 10,949 cases represent 23,078 survivors, almost 5,859 potential traffickers, and 1,905 potential trafficking businesses. Those 10,949 reports also represent a 25% increase in
Homework conversations in my house sound like this: My Kid: “This math problem is frustrating.” Me: “What’s frustrating about it?” My Kid: “It’s asking me to give the percent of the shaded area.” Me: “Ok” My Kid: “But the problem doesn’t give me the color of the rectangle. So, is the shaded area the white