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Your teeth-brushing routine is essential for a healthy smile, and at Stonegate Dental in Guelph, Ontario, we’re here to help. With so many toothbrushes and toothpaste options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right ones. However, selecting the proper tools for an effective brushing experience can significantly enhance your oral hygiene. In this blog, we’ll...
Hey, Teens! We know you’re busy enjoying life, but taking care of your smile is just as important as your studies, sports, and social life. Whether you have braces, just got them off, or are lucky enough to have a naturally perfect smile, Stonegate Dental in Guelph is here to help you maintain your dental health with...
At Stonegate Dental in Guelph, Ontario, we understand that while a healthy smile is important at any age, your oral health needs change as you grow older. Preserving a healthy, sustainable smile requires specific attention, especially for seniors. Unfortunately, many seniors face unique challenges when it comes to dental care, such as dry mouth, increased susceptibility to...
At Stonegate Dental in Guelph, Ontario, we understand that you already have an excellent investment in your health: great, healthy teeth. Keeping your teeth and gums in great mouth health is easier than you think, but it requires time, energy, and commitment from you. However, the preventive measures and efforts you make now will guarantee...
Fear is one of the most powerful feelings that can affect even the boldest and bravest individuals. In many cases, fear plays an important role in protecting us from obvious dangers. In other situations, however, these fears can be irrational and prevent individuals from living a full and enjoyable life. One of the most common...
As we age, our bodies go through many different changes, including changes in our mouth, teeth, and oral health. Older people often face specific concerns and challenges when it comes to caring for their teeth and receiving dental care. Tooth loss and gum disease become increasingly common as we get older. Seniors can take preventative...
Dreading and avoiding dental cleanings are very common. From the strange noises and mild jaw discomfort to the prodding and fearing the discovery of cavities, apprehension around dental cleanings is easy to understand. But in most cases, professional dental cleaning is painless, simple, and quick. The process of dental cleanings is often misunderstood, and knowing...
For coffee drinkers, that first cup of coffee each morning is the best way to start each day. Coffee has become so ingrained in our daily routines, that it can be hard to imagine living without it. If you enjoy coffee on a daily basis, you may have wondered at some point “Is coffee bad...
Have you ever looked at a photo of yourself or your reflection in the bathroom mirror and wondered “Why do my teeth look yellow?” Yellow teeth are a common concern, as everyone wants to smile with the whitest and brightest teeth possible. A number of factors, such as oral hygiene, genetics, lifestyle, and diet can...
Throbbing tooth pain that persists can be frustrating and worrisome. While there are many reasons you may be experiencing a throbbing tooth, it is important to see your dentist as soon as possible to identify the cause and receive treatment. If you are unable to see your dentist right away, you can monitor your pain...
Sensitive teeth can be frustrating and uncomfortable, often making it difficult to enjoy the foods and drinks we love. Teeth sensitivity typically occurs when the enamel has worn away, exposing the underlying layer of our teeth known as dentin. Severe gum recession in which the roots of the teeth become exposed can also cause sensitive...
If you’ve ever suffered from a toothache, you know that they can strike at any time, and often without an obvious cause. Sometimes, the cause of the tooth pain is clear, such as a chipped tooth or severe cavity, but in most cases, identifying the cause of the pain and providing effective treatment is a...
Is there anything worse than crawling into your warm, cozy bed after an exhausting day, only to find yourself unable to sleep because of tooth pain? You keep closing your eyes trying to fall asleep, but the pain is making it impossible. And of course, you can’t call your dentist until the next morning. While...
When experiencing a toothache, managing the pain until you can see your dentist for treatment can be incredibly difficult. Pain from a toothache can make focusing on simple daily tasks next to impossible, as the discomfort can be distracting and upsetting. A toothache is defined as mild to severe pain in or around the teeth...
Teeth are often regarded as strong and durable, but as we age, it’s not uncommon for them to show signs of wear and tear. From small cracks to significant fractures, the question arises: is it normal for teeth to break as we get older? In this insightful blog, we’ll explore the fascinating world of dental...
The infamous wisdom teeth – those elusive molars that usually make their presence known during the late teen years or early twenties, Wisdom teeth, also often referred to as the third molars, have long been a topic of discussion and, at times, can be a source of concern. These teeth can lead to a variety...
Have you ever wondered if braces might be the solution to your dental concerns? Understanding whether you need braces is an important step toward achieving a beautiful, confident, and healthy smile. From misaligned or crooked teeth to bite issues, various signs indicate orthodontic treatment could be beneficial for you. In this blog, we’ll explore common...
We all experience many changes as we age. While some of these changes are expected as we grow into adulthood, many of them can go unnoticed. While you’ve likely grown out of measuring your height against a door frame or wall, paying attention to any changes in your body is still very important. One of...
When examining the connection between oral health and sleep, experts agree that the quality of sleep itself is the most important factor. The benefits of regularly getting high-quality sleep include strengthening the immune system and reducing inflammation. There are several other factors relating to sleep that affect our oral health. Below, we will examine the...
While the global Covid 19 pandemic saw the world shut down and people all over the globe facing difficult circumstances, there were a few positive things to come out of that period of time. One of these silver linings is the ability for many Canadians to work remotely, making travel and work and the ‘digital...
You may not be aware that rheumatoid arthritis and oral health are closely connected. Individuals who live with this autoimmune disease have a higher risk of developing gum damage and tooth loss. In addition, research on the connection between oral health and rheumatoid arthritis has discovered that poor oral health can trigger the onset of...
Facial piercings are a popular form of self-expression, and in some cases serve as a badge of bravery for facing the pain and fear of getting the piercing. Tongue and lip piercings have seen a surge in popularity in recent years, but most people don’t stop to think about how an oral piercing could affect...
In today’s day and age, work and careers can look very different from person to person. For many employees, a work schedule can include late nights, weekends, and even overnight shifts. This is especially true for individuals who work in fields that require 24-hour coverage, such as nurses, factory workers, police officers, truck drivers, etc. ...
The Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Your Oral Health For most people, enjoying an occasional glass of wine or cocktail is nothing to be concerned about. Consuming alcohol wisely and in moderation can be part of a healthy lifestyle, as long as we don’t get carried away. If you are someone who drinks daily or...
While most people know that seeing your dentist regularly is important, only some understand exactly why that is. It is common for people to wonder why simply brushing and flossing regularly isn’t enough to maintain good oral health and a beautiful smile. Regular dental checkups are important because they ensure the health of your teeth...
With the changing of the seasons often comes the important question of how weather changes and climate can affect our oral health. Weather changes can affect the teeth, mouth, and gums, and not just because we might be eating more baked goods and other treats during the cooler months! While increased sugar consumption can certainly...
Athletes typically spend a fair bit of time thinking about and caring for their physical health. However, in the midst of intense training sessions and protein shakes it can be easy to forget about or neglect their oral health. Athletics can affect and cause complications to oral health in a variety of ways so understanding...
Trench mouth is a serious gum infection that is the result of a buildup of bacteria within the mouth. The most common symptoms of trench mouth are painful and bleeding gums, as well as ulcers on the gum tissue. A healthy mouth contains a balance of naturally occurring bacteria, viruses, and fungi. If an individual...
If you frequently experience jaw pain, you may have heard your dentist discuss things such as TMD and TMJ. But what is the meaning of those terms, and what is the difference between the two? Read on to learn more about TMJ and TMD, as well as TMD causes possible treatment options, and prevention. TMJ...
While you may have heard about the negative effects of plaque on oral health, or perhaps about products that can effectively remove plaque, not everyone knows what plaque itself is. In simple terms, dental plaque is bacteria that forms on the surface of the teeth. Plaque is a sticky film that must be regularly removed...
The state of one’s oral health has a direct connection to overall health. As we age, ensuring good oral and dental health becomes increasingly important. While many people believe that tooth loss is a natural and inevitable part of getting older, this is actually a myth. A good oral health practice that includes brushing twice...
When thinking about overall health, we usually focus on things such as diet and exercise. But did you know that the state of your oral health can be a strong indicator of your overall health and wellness? Good oral health means that you can smile, eat, and speak with confidence and comfort, which in turn...
Thumb sucking, as well as bottles and pacifier use, are common and natural methods of self-soothing for many infants and toddlers. Parents and caregivers often worry that these habits will become difficult to break and will eventually lead to oral health problems. Read on to learn more about the effects of bottles and pacifiers on...
Do you drink a glass of juice with your breakfast or send a juice box in your child’s school lunch every day? Many people include juice in their daily meals and routines without considering the consequences this can have on their teeth and oral health. While eating fruit whole is generally considered healthy, which may...
A strong oral hygiene routine is essential at any age. Studies have shown that oral health is directly connected to overall health and wellness. This is why establishing a good oral health practice is highly important. In most cases, children have approximately 20 primary teeth, which are eventually replaced with 32 permanent teeth as the...
Each April marks Oral Cancer Awareness Month, which aims to increase public awareness of this type of cancer. This campaign hopes to increase public knowledge surrounding this disease, specifically highlighting which symptoms to watch for, risk factors, the importance of early detection, treatment options, and screening recommendations. What are the Causes of Oral Cancer? Oral...
The outermost layer of the teeth is made up of enamel which protects them from chemical and physical damage. Tooth enamel is incredibly strong, and is the toughest tissue in the human body making it even harder than bone. Enamel is prone to wear and tear as it is the teeth’s first line of defense...
How often do you spend time thinking about properly caring for your toothbrush? Probably not that often, if at all. Toothbrush maintenance may be low on your priority list if it’s even on it at all, but it’s certainly worth some consideration. A clean and properly maintained toothbrush is essential for your oral health. A...
The history of dentistry around the world can date back as far as Ancient Egypt, as archeologists and historians have found evidence of oral health problems and remedies, as well as examples of basic tooth restorations in Egyptian mummies. There are many different cultures around the world that reference elements of dentistry across their history,...
What is Gingivitis? Gingivitis is a relatively common and moderate type of gum disease (also referred to as periodontal disease) that can result in irritation, swelling, and redness of the gingiva. The gingiva is the gum area around the base of the teeth. Taking gingivitis seriously and seeking treatment right away is highly important, as...