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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
There's no denying that OCD is a complex, time-consuming, and often painful condition, and things might be slightly more manageable if somehow the universe knew that and didn't send any other challenges our way. But as we all know, that is rarely what happens in life.Juggling additional challenging life events on top of OCD can leave us feeling completely overwhelmed. And at those times, what on earth do we do? How do we cope? This blog aims to answer those questions, so please stick around! I o
Over the past few years, Taming Olivia has been invited to speak at a wide range of events internationally. From discussing OCD recovery at charity conferences, to sharing our work within community spaces, we've been extremely grateful to be given the opportunities! Many of the talks aren't filmed for privacy reasons however some are, and you can find them here. Enjoy! Gamechangers - with Chrissie Hodges Covid and the impact on OCD OCD Action Conference 2012 OCD Advocacy: How to share your story
Taming Olivia has appeared on a wide range of podcasts over the years! We're so grateful for the opportunity to have talked about OCD with so many incredible people. This is the bog that will hold the links to all of the podcasts and it'll be updated every time a new one comes out, so please keep checking back! They go in reverse chronological order so the first are at the bottom and the most recent at the top! We hope they help! A List of Podcasts featuring Taming Olivia The Turban Thinker Podc
I see this topic of conversation come up over and over again. Over the past few years there’s been a real increase in talking about the theme of our OCD. Do you have harm-based thoughts? Are you worried about contamination? Or your sexuality? Very often we used acronyms to describe them; HOCD, POCD, SO-OCD etc. But does this matter? There are a lot of people out there arguing that themes are a distraction. “It’s all OCD” you see them comment, and to that point they’re absolutely right – it IS al
I've been in the most incredible position recently. Over the past few weeks I've heard from easily over a thousand other people living with OCD - that's a pretty special position to be in. Having spent over thirty years believing that I was the only one dealing with such debilitating symptoms it's made my year... sod it... lifetime to hear from so many others with very similar stories. I've learnt such a lot from your messages and feel so proud to be part of such a kind, supportive and kick-ass
Hi everyone! Here's the second part of this series. If you haven't read the article and would like to it's here but please read the rest of this blog first - it's got some really important information in it. Last week a BBC News article came out about my experiences of OCD and my work with Taming Olivia. It's spent a week now on the websites homepage and is still growing from strength to strength - I've been in touch with BBC 4 Women's Hour and an article about my experiences has just appeared i
You may be thinking ‘Hang on a minute, what’s up with this title? That’s not the way it works.’ And you’d be right, but please allow me to explain. You know every now and again you get those quizzes that come up on social media? The ones where you can work out your intellectual age, the age you act, your ‘real’ age, or your mental age (whatever that means)? Well, that’s kind of what I mean here. We all appear to have different ages – depending on what’s being focused on at the time - and for thi