Science & Technology
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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
This is the International Year of the Quantum, celebrating quantum science and its many applications. This year marks the centenary of Werner Heisenberg’s seminal work in modern physics. In recent years, there have been dramatic developments in quantum communications, cryptography and computing, and quantum science is key to solving pressing problems in clean energy, climate…
The German word Doktorvater for a doctoral advisor indicates the close relationship between a PhD student and his or her supervisor. The relationship is often pivotal in determining the future career of the student, and the advisor also gains much from the interaction. Just as a genealogical tree can reveal fascinating information, a mathematical family…
The London Eye, a vast observation wheel with a diameter of 120 metres, on the south bank of the River Thames, opened in 2000. Resembling an enormous bicycle wheel, it has 32 passenger capsules, each weighing ten tons, attached to its circumference. Each capsule holds 25 people, so up to 800 may be on the…
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main culprit in causing our climate to change, but it is only recently that a key property of CO2 has been elucidated. This is linked to a surprising interaction between the molecular vibrations of carbon dioxide: the various modes of vibration of the molecules resonate with each other in a…
The ongoing search for ever-larger prime numbers continues apace. Primes are the atoms of arithmetic: every whole number is a unique product of primes. For example, 21 is the product of primes 3 and 7, while 23 is itself prime. The primes play a central role in pure mathematics, in the field of number theory,…
Since 1950, there has been a quiet but steady revolution in meteorology, and especially in numerical weather prediction (NWP). The growth in accuracy, range and scope of weather forecasts over the past half-century has been spectacular. As late as the mid-1970s, forecasts were seriously unreliable. The diagram illustrates the inexorable increase in skill of the…
While mathematics may be viewed as an abstract creation, its origins lie in the physical world. The need to count animals and share food supplies led to the development of the concept of numbers. With five-fingered hands, we naturally tended to count in tens. Arithmetic methods were needed to allocate land, organize armies and calculate…
Science advances by overturning theories, replacing them by better ones. Sometimes, the old theories continue to serve as valuable approximations, as with Newton’s laws of motion [TM260 or search for “thatsmaths” at]. Sometimes, the older theories become redundant and are forgotten. The theory of phlogiston, a fire-like element released during combustion, and the luminiferous…
We have all noticed how the horn of a speeding car changes as it approaches: each wave-peak is emitted from a closer point, so the wave is “squeezed” and the pitch increases. As the car recedes, the reverse effect stretches the wave, making it sound lower. The changing pitch of the note is called the…
Gaze up at the night sky and you catch a glimpse of infinity. The stars seem numberless; the immensity of the universe is profoundly impressive, leading us to wonder about the nature of our cosmic home. Is space finite or unlimited in extent? If it is bounded, what lies outside? The notion of infinity is…
This article comes from the Institut Henri-Poincaré (IHP), part of Sorbonne University, in the Latin Quarter of Paris. IHP has no permanent researchers but serves as a venue for mathematical collaborations and organises a series of programmes, seminars, lectures and training courses, welcoming more than 10,000 mathematicians each year. The institute also publishes four international…
Panta Rhei — everything flows — said Heraclites, describing the impermanence of the world. He might well have said “everything vibrates”. From sub-atomic particles to the farthest reaches of the cosmos we find oscillations. Vibration is key for aircraft wing, motor engine and optical system design. Ocean tides forced by the Moon and seasonal variations…
Most of us are familiar with the piano keyboard. There are twelve distinct notes in each octave, or thirteen if we include the note completing the chromatic scale. The illustration above shows a complete scale from middle C (or C$latex {_4}&fg=000000$) to the C above (or C$latex {_5}&fg=000000$). Eight of the notes --- C, D,…
Mathematics is used widely, playing a central role in science and engineering and, increasingly, in the social and biological sciences. But users seldom consider the fundamental nature of mathematics. Many cannot improve on the vacuous definition: mathematics is what is done by mathematicians. We could try harder, with something like “mathematics is the language of…
We consider a simple problem in probability: A thin rod is broken at random into three pieces. What is the probability that these three pieces can be used to form a triangle? This problem is solved without difficulty. If the rod is of unit length, aligned along the interval $latex {0\le x \le 1}&fg=000000$, we…
The year 1905 was Albert Einstein’s “miracle year”. In that year, he published four papers in the renowned scientific journal Annalen der Physik. The first, on the photoelectric effect, established the quantum nature of light, and led to the award of a Nobel Prize some 17 years later. The second, on Brownian motion, confirmed the…
The weather of 2023 was certainly interesting, with broken records in Ireland and around the world. Newspaper articles attributed the cause of the heat waves, droughts, floods and fires to the climate pattern known as El Niño. Less restrained reports claimed that this year’s weather would be even more anomalous [TM253 or search for “thatsmaths”…
The That’s Maths blog has been active since July 2012. This is post number 600. For the past eleven and a half years, there has been a post every Thursday. For a complete list in chronological order, just press the “Contents” button, or click here. The posts have covered a wide range of topics in…
In 1974, the brilliant Hungarian professor of architecture, Ernö Rubik, invented the puzzle that has made his name familiar all over the world. When it was mass-produced, from 1980 onwards, the cube became an international craze; vast numbers were made and they brought both great fun and great frustration to millions of children of all…
The rising temperatures of today’s climate are being linked to extreme weather, droughts, floods and intense storms, and global food and water supplies are coming under severe stress. While the current changes are unprecedented in their rapidity, climate variations in the past have had devastating consequences. What can we learn from them? [TM252 or search for…
The sieve of Eratosthenes is a method for finding all the prime numbers less than some maximum value $latex {M}&fg=000000$ by repeatedly removing multiples of the smallest remaining prime until no composite numbers less than or equal to $latex {M}&fg=000000$ remain. The sieve provides a means of partitioning the natural numbers. We examine this partition…
The logistic map is a simple second-order function on the unit interval: $latex \displaystyle x_{n+1} = r x_n (1-x_n) \,, &fg=000000$ where $latex {x_n}&fg=000000$ is the variable value at stage $latex {n}&fg=000000$ and $latex {r}&fg=000000$ is the ``growth rate''. For $latex {1 \le r \le 4}&fg=000000$, the map sends the unit interval [0,1] into itself.…
The Riemann Hypothesis Perhaps the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics is to explain the distribution of the prime numbers. The overall ``thinning out'' of the primes less than some number $latex {N}&fg=000000$, as $latex {N}&fg=000000$ increases, is well understood, and is demonstrated by the Prime Number Theorem (PNT). In its simplest form, PNT states that…
This post is an extension and elaboration of two recent posts, with more technical details ``The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.'' …
We all know how a simple action at a critical moment can change our lives. Over the past half-century, with the growing evidence of how small changes can lead to dramatic developments, there has been a paradigm shift in science. Earlier attempts to predict the future as if it were determined with certainty have given…
Suppose the population of the world $latex {P(t)}&fg=000000$ is described by the equation $latex \displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{d}P} {\mathrm{d}t} = a P \,. &fg=000000$ Then $latex {P(t)}&fg=000000$ grows exponentially: $latex {P(t) = P_0 \exp(at)}&fg=000000$. This was the nightmare prediction of Thomas Robert Malthus. Taking a value $latex {a=0.02\ \mathrm{yr}^{-1}}&fg=000000$ for the growth rate, we get a doubling…
The duality encapsulated in the concept of yin-yang is at the origin of many aspects of classical Chinese science and philosophy. Many dualities in the natural world --- light and dark, fire and water, order and chaos --- are regarded as physical manifestations of this duality. Yin is the receptive and yang the active principle.…
Recall Euclid's proof that there is no limit to the list of prime numbers. One way to show this is that, by assuming that some number $latex {p}&fg=000000$ is the largest prime, we arrive at a contradiction. The idea is simple yet powerful. A Non-constructive Proof Suppose $latex {p}&fg=000000$ is prime and there are no…
Imagine another Earth, just like ours, but running a year ahead. Observing it, we could foretell events over the coming weeks or months, and take action to avoid catastrophes. There is no such planet! Even if there were, conditions there would diverge rapidly from ours, so it would provide no guidance on our future. But…
The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS), launched in 1996, now contains 360,000 entries. It attracts a million visits a day, and has been cited about 10,000 times. It is now possible for anyone in the world to propose a new sequence for inclusion in OEIS. The goal of the database is to include all…
The numbers are usually studied in layers of increasing subtlety and intricacy. We start with the natural, or counting, numbers $latex {\mathbb{N} = \{ 1, 2, 3, \dots \}}&fg=000000$. Then come the whole numbers or integers, $latex {\mathbb{Z} = \{ \dots, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, \dots \}}&fg=000000$. All the ratios of these (avoiding division…
A digital signature is a mathematical means of verifying that an e-document is authentic, that it has come from the claimed sender and that it has not been tampered with or corrupted during transit. Digital signatures are a standard component of cryptographic systems. They use asymetric cryptography that is based on key pairs, consisting of…
On September 8, I opened The Irish Times to find an A2 Poster with the programme for the Rugby World Cup. The plan showed the twenty teams who must do battle in which ultimate triumph requires survival through the preliminary rounds and victory in quarter-finals, semi-finals and the final climax. We have reached the quarter-finals…
Anyone who has worked in a large organization, with an over-loaded Administration Division, will sympathise with the actions of two scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in issuing a spoof Memorandum. They had become frustrated with the large number of mimeographed notes circulated by Administration and Services, or A&S, ``to keep laboratory members…
Sir William Rowan Hamilton (1805-1865) was Ireland's most ingenious mathematician. When he was just fifteen years old, Hamilton and a schoolfriend invented a semaphore-like signalling system. On 21 July 1820, Hamilton wrote in his journal how he and Tommy Fitzpatrick set up a mark on a tower in Trim and were able to view it…
I attended the sixth conference of the Irish History of Mathematics (IHoM) group at Maynooth University yesterday (Wednesday 30th August 2023). What follows is a personal summary of the presentations. This summary has no official status. If speakers or attendees spot any errors, please let me know and I will correct them. [1] After a…
As everyone knows, left and right are swapped in a mirror image. Or are they? It is really front and back that are reversed, but that's a story for another day. During a visit to the Science and Industry Museum in Paris some years ago, I stood facing a spinning mirror. Lifting one arm, I…
At a fundamental level, music may be described as a train of vibrations in the air. It can be further reduced to numbers — a string of binary digits (bits) that can be stored on a CD or sent around the world in a split second. But music carries enormous emotional content and can stir…
The sum of the first $latex {n}&fg=000000$ odd numbers is equal to the square of $latex {n}&fg=000000$: $latex \displaystyle 1 + 3 + 5 + \cdots + (2n-1) = n^2 \,. &fg=000000$ We can check this for the first few: $latex {1 = 1^2,\ \ 1+3=2^2,\ \ 1+3+5 = 3^2}&fg=000000$. But how do we prove…
Why would the Ancient Egyptians have any interest in or need for mathematics? There are many reasons. They had a well-organised and developed civilisation extending over millennia. Science and maths must have played important or even essential roles in this culture. They needed measurement for land surveying and for designing irrigation canals, arithmetic for accounting…