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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
In this article, let me go through the 3 steps you need to get the ring and his commitment effortlessly fast. First, there’s something we first have to acknowledge… Men’s trust in women is at
Giving too much to a man for nothing in return can feel humiliating. But that humiliation is nothing compared to the regret, the hatred and the resentment you’ll be carrying 10 years down the track
There’s one unmistakable sign he wants a serious relationship with you. Unless this ONE sign is present, you can be sure a man isn’t as serious as he’s trying to make you believe. Here’s why:
When is the best time to sleep with a man? It's question that weighs heavily on many of us women, and for good reason. Here's the short answer: When there's enough emotional connection and emotional
Are avoidants capable of loving you? That’s what I will answer unequivocally for you today. First, here’s the short answer: No. They are not capable of loving you. I know that’s different from what many
Black cat energy is a new term in dating and relationships made popular by social media platforms like Tik Tok and YouTube. It refers to a relationship dynamic whereby if the woman is the black
Disorganized attachment is characterized by an intense pendulum swing from anxious attachment to avoidant attachment and then back again, sometimes with unprovoked anger outbursts to boot. Disorganized attachment patterns are difficult and painful for someone
Dealing with a breakup when you have anxious attachment is like pouring gasoline on a dumpster fire. Breakups are traumatic enough, but if you add to that the nervous system of an anxiously attached person,
The best way to let go of an avoidant man is by first understanding that you are holding on because your body is trying to help you keep him around as a (inferior) source of
There are many deeper unintended consequences to sleeping around, not just for women but also for men. (Albeit less so for men due to their masculine biology, but more on that later.)In fact, here's a
Dating an avoidant man is like trying to befriend a traumatized, aggressive stray dog. And that’s at its worst. Dating an avoidant man at its best is like chasing after a leprechaun - alluring, but
Dismissive avoidants are so mean because they need to push you away in order to survive, literally and metaphorically. This pattern is something they have been going to reliably since infancy, and they’re likely not
The best time to say I love you is when enough attraction and connection has been built up in the relationship that you both know the feeling of love is mutual (so that there is
According to some experts and relationship coaches, ignoring a guy can work to get his attention. It has the effect of triggering curiosity, making him lean forward and pursue you. The problem is that the
Let's look at some women's rules for relationships. If you don't have a set of rules that you follow in your relationship with a man, it's going to be very easy for that relationship to
There are just some things you should never tolerate in a relationship. No matter what. However, the question is how do you know exactly what not to tolerate in a relationship with a man? After
If you're looking for the signs of a masculine man and don't want to read the story, just skip straight to the signs below. OMG, OK, so listen to this. There I was… on a
There's no denying it; the masculine energy is intense. In fact, masculine energy is sometimes scary, from a woman's perspective. Of course, I won't neglect to acknowledge that many modern women won't relate to this
It's frustrating when men don't put much effort into the relationship right? You can complain about it. You can get angry about it. You can call all men lazy, or you can inspire him to
The fact that you are even asking yourself the question “will I ever find a man” tells me that you are more likely to find love than not. Here’s why: The people out there who
Relationship timeline: there are huge inherent differences between the relationship timelines of men and women. This means that as women, we it pays to know why the relationship timeline is so different between men and
There are 10 good reasons Why Polyamory would Never Work Long-Term… If you've been skeptical about polyamory or have had bad experiences in a polyamorous setup, you might be wondering why polyamory doesn't work - or
Over the last 10 -15 years, rotational dating theory or circular dating has become the stock standard advice given to women. “Date more men!” “Build your man funnel!” “Get more men in your rotation!”, they
Are you searching for true love, or are you searching for resources? There’s a huge difference between a woman who is searching for true love, versus a woman who is searching for resources. Why? Because
They may not say it outright, but it's clear: A lot of ladies out there have a subconscious belief that in order to be 'feminine', they must be and do a number of rigid things.
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I've lost the plot. Maybe you're thinking I'm anti-woman or that I don't want the best for my fellow sisters out there. How could I suggest something so
How to be vulnerable with a man? How do you show vulnerability without crossing over into needy territory? The definition of 'vulnerable' from the Cambridge dictionary is: Able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally
Should the Man Provide for a Woman 100%? Or is 50/50 OK? This question, or some variation of it, keeps circulating in my facebook group for High Value Feminine Women. Due to the fact that
How do you stay calm when he doesn't text back? How can you keep your high value when you're feeling so vulnerable? When he doesn't respond, it can be a moment of shock for you.
Looking for feminine things to do or feminine hobbies and activities? Great, I've got your back. Hobbies for women are a powerful way to add value to yourself & your life. When I think of
Is it a completely ridiculous notion that you can 'make' a man fall in love with you? Short answer yes, long answer no. After all, we can't control other people. The best we can do