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Making Extra Funds on the Side Isn't Hard Anymore - The Founding Moms

Making extra funds on the side used to involve long hours and tireless work. As someone who balances business ownership and motherhood, those ventures probably did not seem feasible. Luckily, there are many opportunities to get more money with little effort.Why Focus on Making Extra Funds?Making extra funds is about more than having additional disposable income — it represents freedom, stability and empowerment. Catherine Valega — a female entrepreneur and mother of four — held a workshop in July 2023 discussing common financial obstacles women face. The event highlights an important and often overlooked aspect of entrepreneurship. Owning and running a business as a mother pulls you in multiple directions financially. While starting your own is inspirational initially, it can quickly feel overwhelming.Being a female entrepreneur is already demanding enough when most industries are male-dominated and favor large corporations, so factoring in motherhood can make things challenging. You must consistently balance your personal life with the financial needs of your family and business.Speaking about your finances is essential because it helps you maintain sustainable growth and feel confident. You can only feel sure of your business’s upward trajectory when you are open about your personal and professional budgets. Also, it lets you be more realistic with your goals since you understand how to align them with your investment opportunities.