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We all know we're not supposed to judge a book by its cover (yet, publishing companies spend big bucks on cover design/art and we all do judge them that way). But, the opening sentence(s)/paragraph(s) are fair game. So, when I stumble on a good opening (or remember one and pull it off the shelves), I
Odds 'n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You've probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case: The Best Villains in Literature Bracket: Ides of March Madness—LitHub is about to crown the ultimate Villain in Lit. Vote now (if you can choose...some of these are brutal choices) Inside a
I'm very pleased to welcome Reena Bhojwani and her MG book Fragrant Soup, Book 1 of Siu-Yin and the Dragons. to The Irresponsible Reader today for this Spotlight post (I'll have a guest post from her in a little bit, too). Fragrant Soup is one of the more unlikely titles that I can remember--also one
Earlier today, I posted a spotlight about Reena Bhojwani's novel Fragrant Soup. Now, I've got this look behind the scenes as Reena describes part of how she transformed this short story into a novel. I know she has more to say along these lines, and I hope she comes back to share some more. Either
I didn't quite finish my post about Kolakowski's upcoming release last night (read: I wrote 2 paragraphs that probably need revision/expansion). So, let's revisit this bold crime novel instead. Payback Is Forever by Nick Kolakowski DETAILS: Publisher: Shotgun Honey Books Publication Date: March 24, 2022 Format: Kindle Edition Length: 170 pg. Read Date: March 29-30,
What a difference a week makes--after talking about a few lackluster (or worse) books at the end of February, I ended the month very strong and the first books of March have continued that streak. It's a nice place to be. This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on
The topic for this week's Top Ten Tuesdays is the Top Ten Things Characters Have Said If I took that too loosely, I'd spend weeks trying to narrow this down. So I decided to limit it to one character--Nero Wolfe. He's easily the most quotable character I can think of (with the possible exception of
Don't Tell Me How to Die by Marshall Karp DETAILS: Publisher: Blackstone Publishing Publication Date: March 4, 2025 Format: eARC Length: 336 Read Date: January 29-31, 2025 A Note of Introduction I typically stay away from spoilers, but this is one of those books where almost everything I want to say feels like it's in
Book Blogger Hop This prompt was submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer: How much time does blogging take out of your life weekly? Sure, I know technically that Billy is asking something else, but I can't help but read that as, "How bad is my time management?" First, I'm not counting reading time.
I'm very pleased today to welcome the Cover Reveals for Michael Michel's upcoming new editions of his series, The Dreams of Dust and Steel— series: The Price of Power and A Graveyard for Heroes to this patch o' cyberspace this morning! I've been looking forward to reading these books for too long now, I'm glad
God of All Things: Rediscovering the Sacred in an Everyday World by Andrew Wilson DETAILS: Publisher: Zondervan Publication Date: March 2, 2021 Format: Paperback Length: 202 pgs. Read Date: January 12-19, 2025 But instead [God] made a universe filled with things. Objects. stuff Planets, weather, colors, animals, vegetables, minerals. People, complete with noses and kidneys
Earlier today, I posted my thoughts about Ashwin's Hit the Ground Running, and now I get the fun of presenting this Q&A with the author Kate Ashwin. Why don’t you take a moment to introduce yourself to the readers, and tell us about your comics, before hitting us with an elevator pitch for Hit The
Be sure to come back in a couple of hours for a Q&A with Kate Ashwin. Hit the Ground Running by Kate Ashwin DETAILS: Series: No Loose Ends, #1 Publisher: Kate Ashin Publication Date: November 11, 2024 Format: eBook Length: 314 pg. Read Date: January 25-29, 2025 You, like me, may assume that all Cyberpunk
I've barely been online this week, so I'm very glad that A Literary Escape and Pages Unbound posted some highlights from the month for me to glean from—I'd have enjoyed their posts regardless, but they helped bulk up this post. Odds 'n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You've probably
Thanks to it being named The Write Reads' Blog of the Day, I read February Reading Challenge: Dive into the World of Thrillers with “This or That” a few weeks ago, and instantly spent too long thinking about it. I know the post called for social media posts or comments to reply, but I decided
I'm excited to welcome The Write Reads Blog Tour for Peter David's Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow to The Irresponsible Reader today. It was one of my favorite fantasy novels of 2024, and I named David as one of my 10 favorite New-to-Me Authors because of this book. So getting the chance
I've hit a run of not-great books lately. Nothing horrible, just books that I wanted more from. I'm sure that streak is about to end, but for now, getting through them (in the hope I'm about to be proven wrong) is such a slog. It actually saps some mental energy This meme was formerly hosted
I'm excited to welcome The Write Reads Blog Tour for Peter David's Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow to The Irresponsible Reader today. It was one of my favorite fantasy novels of 2024, and I named David as one of my 10 favorite New-to-Me Authors because of this book. So getting the chance
The Abolition of Man: Reflections on Education with Special Reference to the Teaching of English in the Upper Forms of Schools by C. S. Lewis DETAILS: Publisher: Macmillan Publishing Company Publication Date: September 1, 1978 Format: Paperback Length: 91 pg. Read Date: February 2, 2025 This thing which I have called for convenience the Tao,
Installment Immortality by Seanan McGuire DETAILS: Series: InCryptid, #14 Publisher: Tor Books Publication Date: March 11, 2025 Format: eARC Length: 432 pg. Read Date: February 12-17, 2025 Obviously, there are some spoilers about the previous novel in the series, Aftermarket Afterlife to follow. And, you could probably say the same for the series as a
Odds 'n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You've probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case: 10 Book Displays I’d Love to See at the Public Library—I've honestly never stopped to think about this kind of thing (don't think I'm going to start, either, but I'm glad someone
How is it that January seemed to be 450 days long, and we're over halfway through February in maybe 6 days? It just makes no sense... I wasn't able to translate the holiday into extra reading--or furniture buying (not that I was thinking about it, but what else are you supposed to do with Presidents'
Return from Exile and the Renewal of God's People by Nicholas G. Piotrowski DETAILS: Series: Short Studies in Biblical Theology Publisher: Crossway Publication Date: March 18, 2025 Format: eARC Length: 224 pg. Read Date: January 19-26, 2025 What's Return from Exile and the Renewal of God's People About? I'm not going to do better, or
Book Blogger Hop This prompt was submitted by Idea-ist @ Get Lost in Literature: Do you prefer to read series one book after another, or can you read other books in between? Once upon a time, I used to binge-read series. One after another after another like Lays potato chips. But I don't let
Don't Tell Me How to Die by Marshall Karp DETAILS: Publisher: Blackstone Publishing Publication Date: March 4, 2025 Format: eARC Length: 336 Read Date: January 29-31, 2025 A Note of Introduction I typically stay away from spoilers, but this is one of those books where almost everything I want to say feels like it's in
Goodnight Darth Vader by Jeffrey Brown DETAILS: Publisher: Chronicle Books Publication Date: July 22, 2014 Format: Hardcover Length: 64 pg. Read Date: February 8, 205 A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…. Episode Eight P.M.: BEDTIME Lord Darth Vader rules the Galaxy, while attempting to rule his twin children, Luke and Leia
It's the 43rd day of the year, also known as February 12. And you know if I'm resorting to counting the days, I don't have a lot to say by way of introduction. So let's just get on with it. This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking
It's not often that I have a theme for these posts (outside of year end wrap ups, but even then...), but boy howdy, no one seemed to talk about anything else this week (outside of a certain SF creep or two). Odds 'n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You've
The Boys of Riverside: A Deaf Football Team and a Quest for Glory by Thomas Fuller Desire is a tree with leaves, hope is a tree in bloom, enjoyment is a tree with fruit. Sleep No More by Seanan McGuire Romantic love is not required to live a full and happy life, my seedlings,” Father
No change since last week...other than the calendar (yes, I'm still reading every day!). So, consider this a reminder that I'm doing this and that I'd appreciate some support! No one is a fan of cancer. I daresay there's no one ambivalent toward it.* We've all had our lives, the lives of family, friends, acquaintances,
Connie at Reading Ladies has started a new monthly feature, Most Captivating Character of the Month. It didn't take me too long to decide who would be my choice for January, Maggie Dunn from Don't Tell Me How to Die by Marshall Karp. In my original post, I said: You can tell from the beginning
The Problem of Pain by C. S. Lewis DETAILS: Publisher: HarperOne Publication Date: April 28, 2015 Format: Paperback Length: 159 pg. Read Date: January 5-12, 2025 His Omnipotence means power to do all that is intrinsically possible, not to do the intrinsically impossible. You may attribute miracles to Him, but not nonsense. This is no
Yeah, this is on the late side. Sorry about that. It's been one of those days full of fun busy-ness. BTW, I don't think I officially mentioned it (I did hint at it inGrandpappy’s Corner: I Am a Big Brother by Caroline Jayne Church: A Sweet Instructional/Motivational Guide ), but as of Tuesday, I have
No one is a fan of cancer. I daresay there's no one ambivalent toward it.* We've all had our lives, the lives of family, friends, acquaintances, coworkers, and even pets devastated by it in one form or another. Fighting cancer, researching better ways to fight it, preventing it--all are laudatory ends. So, I participated in
Last week when I posted about Robert B. Parker's Hot Property by Mike Lupica, I quipped "Robert Germaux to demur in the comment section (or in a Guest Post if he has a lot to get off of his chest)." The novelist/essayist took me up on that with this post—he made a couple of points
It's entirely possible that by the time this posts, every bit of this will be out of date--but the way this week is going, I can also see me repeating this entire post next week. This grandpappy isn't complaining at all, but books are being shoved to the side more often than I'm used to.
I remember reading this in July 2018, thinking that Barry was preparing to say goodby to Lucy. I mention this only because he only said goodbye to her this week. Color me flummoxed. But also, how could I not dust this post off in her memory? Lessons From Lucy: The Simple Joys of an Old,