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The Universe Of Memory
There are many who believe that passive learning is the best way to learn. They're wrong! Passive learning is actually a very ineffective learning method.
Finding the best learning methods is the key to your language learning but it's definitely tricky. Here are the most important criteria you should consider.
Czech is not an easy language. But with the mix of right methods you can learn communicative Czech in one month! Here is how I did it.
Being a polyglot is definitely amazing. But how many hours per week does it take to not only maintain many languages but also improve them? The answer is:
Making this most common mistake in vocabulary learning can cost you dozens of hours each month. Make sure that you're not learning the vocabulary this way!
You use Facebook everyday, don't you? Then learn how to use it in a more effective way and turn it into the language learning machine!
Reading is a great language learning strategy but how to get your reading practice done if you get bored easily? Here is a great strategy:
Memorizing grammatical genders in German or Russian might be tricky! Make your life asier by learning how to memorize grammatical gender with mnemonics.
Setting Big Goals In Language Learning doesn't sound like a lot of fun, I know. But setting the right goals can help you become a much better learner.
Do you think that improving pronunciation is tedious?.Wrong! It can be fun - here are 5 fun ways of improving your Spanish pronunciation!
One of the great ways to learn a language is to teach others something interesting about it. Learn 3 fun ways to learn a language by teaching.
Have you ever wanted to sing you favorite song in the foreign language you learn? Here is how you can find lyrics in your target language:
The typical approach to learning foreign language is talking to language partners. But have you ever tried to learn by talking to yourself? Here is how.
Learn How To Create Your Own Frequency List From any Text In Less Than 1 Minute. You don't need any fancy tools to do it. You can use free online tools!
Focusing on practicing one skill at a time is often not an optimal strategy. Interleaved practice allows you to progress much faster.
Learn One Great Strategy From Body Builders To Accelerate Your Language Learning
That's right - swearing can help you learn vocabulary much faster Learn how you can expand your vocabulary by learning swear words.
Learning can be very challenging, so it's easy to get stuck or think about giving up. How to deal with overwhelm? Here is some advice..
Evergreen skills and knowledge should be the first choice on your learning to-do list. They are immediately useful and will guarantee success in any area.
If you want to prepare for a foreign language interview and ace it, you have to use the right strategies and know your strengths. Learn how to do it!
Improving your listening skills with random strategies isn't effective, Focus on the 2 crucial factors affecting listening comprehension,
The Magnet Theory explains why understanding isn't crucial for effective thinking or problem-solving. Everything starts with memorization.
The number of decisions each language learner must face is overwhelming. Here is how to use rules in language learning to save time and stay sane
Including pictures and images in flashcards is a popular way to learn vocabulary but it's not always effective. Here is why and how you can do it better.
To increase vocabulary size considerably, you need to focus on the words you don't normally use. Do it with the Word Substitution Technique.
Do you know what is the biggest BS statement on the Internet concerning language learning? "You should learn languages like a child".
Not sure if you sound natural in foreign languages you are learning? Create your own feedback loop to sound more like a native speaker.
How many times have you heard it? Context is the king. It's so important and you cannot ignore it. But it's not true! Learn why context is no king of mine!
Do you struggle with language learning? If yes, then it's possible that you are making at least one of 7 common language learning mistakes.
You get down to learning but your concentration quickly dwindles away? It's a clear sign that you need a learning plan! A simple learning plan that is.
There are many ways to learn a language. However, one of the best ones is to go abroad for almost completely free and immerse yourself in it!
Learning doesn't have to be boring. You can memorize new knowledge easily! Learn how to use 9 powerful tips to untap your memory's potential using rhymes,
Learn how to improve your working memory by unburdening it or by training it. Improving Short-Term Memory doesn't have to be hard. Learn how to do it!
If Learning for hours every day seems difficult, you need to learn how to build durable habits. Here is how to do it in 4 easy steps.
How to know if you're making progress in your target language? You track it! Learn 6 Ways You Can Use To Track Progress In Language Learning.
I'm sure you know ordinary ways to improve memory - learning a language or using mnemonics. But it's ime to discover 10 bizarre ways to improve your memory
Pretending to be an assassin can actually help you to remember poisons in food better! Learn how it can be done!
Learning grammar can be a real drag and a soul-tearing experience, but you can become better at grammar by personalizing it. Learn how!
Smart learning is a great learning approach that allows you to progress at a maximum pace. It includes strategies like optimizing reviews.
You don't have to read boring books in your target language! Here is a list of 13 embarrassing things to read to improve your language!