Science & Technology
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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Sometimes the cover actually does make the book. Or at least it grabs your attention enough to read it. That's pretty much the way it was in 1993 for me and the Hawkman poster above. It had been plastered to my local comic shop's window for almost a month, and the owner was getting tired…
Here we are, folks! The epic finale of the 4-part "Invaders" miniseries! And boy, this series of articles has been a real treat for me to write! I've been fascinated by Golden Age superheroes and villains for years and this was an awesome opportunity. Talk about an amazing time to be alive! So many real…
Boy, these characters from Marvel's Golden Age sure are awesome, eh Unspokenites? I for one was always fascinated by them. It's sad that so little of them still exist today really. (Except for the Whizzer in his yellow costume. Him, you can keep! Ha! Just kidding.) Anyway, I bet you're wondering what happens next in…
Welcome back to the dangerous days of the second World War.....but in the 90's. That's right. This is a story that would most likely take place before Marvel Comics was even called Marvel Comics.....only it is called that. You know, I'm just confusing myself here and run the risk of taking you Unspokenites down with…
Wait a minute! Isn't this supposed to be a website dedicated to comic books of the 1990's? What're these Golden Age superheroes from the days of World War II doing here? Psych! This article's about the 4-part 90's Marvel miniseries starring the Invaders! I bet you were really fooled, huh? (I'm well aware that I…
Well, here we are! The finale of my look back at the "Batman: Sword of Azrael" miniseries is here at last! And just in time for Thanksgiving too. So, when you're stressed out from trying to get along with relatives you've hardly met (And some you wish you hadn't met period!) this holiday season, why…
She was born! My granddaughter, Lillian "Symbigal" Miller, was born at last! And now that I've actually held her in my arms, my "grandfather craving" has been momentarily satisfied and I can concentrate a bit better. So, onto Unspoken Decade biz. When we last left Azrael, he was shot several times and thusly forced through…
Greetings, Unspokenites and welcome back to the site. You know, it occurred to me that it's been awhile since we sat down and chatted about what's going on with me. You see, in a matter of weeks, my first grandchild will be born. Exciting, huh? The only problem is…..the stubborn child seems to be quite…
I remember being really late to the party when it came to Azrael. By the time I learned about the character, he was already on his way to becoming the new Batman. This meant I'd missed his first appearance by quite a bit. So, rather than spending tons of my parents' hard-earned cash on backissues,…
I defy any of you to best me at the "Monster in my Pocket" game on the original Nintendo! Come at me, bro! That said, the "Monster in my Pocket" miniature figures began appearing in toy and department stores in 1990. They were colorful, detailed, and just plain awesome! They would continue to be produced…
The time has finally arrived, Unspokenites! It's the conclusion of my endless prattling about the "Silver Surfer: Herald Ordeal" storyline! Yay! I bet you're all really jazzed that this amazing journey we've been on together is ending at last. You think you are?! I had to write every damn word of it! I tell you,…
Here it is, folks! Coming straight to you from my bathroom as I sit upon my porcelain throne, part five of six is completed in my comprehensive look back at the Silver Surfer: "Herald Ordeal" epic! (Guys, I'm starting to think I have stomach issues.....) Now, on with the story! Terrax sat upon a large…
Why has there never been an ongoing comic series spotlighting the many Heralds of Galactus on awesome, cosmic adventures? There have been a few specials here and there, sure. But never an ongoing series. I mean, Marvel will release comics about every single Spider-Person in the known multiverse, but this can't be a thing? Fools.…
Okay, so we've gone over only a small fraction of this cosmic tale so far. And there's plenty more to come, Unspokenites! So, Shall we just skip my mad ramblings this time and jump right into part 3 of the "Herald Ordeal"? Yes? Awesome! This story was originally printed in "Silver Surfer" #72 for those…
I write this under the most dire of circumstances, Unspokenites.....I have a toothache. I know. I know. He's so brave to still write this article for us, the fans. Well now, I'm no saint. (Or am I?) Anyway, enough about my dental woes. On to the next part of my look back at the second…
Did you ever have a crush in elementary school and you were too afraid to tell the person yourself? Yep. Most of us did. So what did we do? We sent a messenger to look into the situation for us and act in our place. A wussy move, but hey, you do what you have…
Well, here we are. The end of the Eradicator miniseries. I hope you've enjoyed his journey to discover himself as much as I have. Like I said in the first part of this series, the Eradicator character has been a creature of constant change from his very beginning. That used to annoy me truthfully. But…
Well, after a near-lethal bout with the flu, (At least that's what it felt like!) your loyal Symbifan has returned with more 90's DC Comics goodness! So sit back, grab a can of Surge and some 3D Doritos, and enjoy a trip back through time with the 2nd issue of "The Eradicator" miniseries from 1996!…
And you thought Spider-Man went through some radical changes over in Marvel! But in the case of Spidey, it's usually only his costume that's altered. With the Eradicator, he has been completely revamped so many times, even a superfan like me can hardly keep track. (That's saying alot. I've been obsessed with this character since…
Greetings and salutations, Legions of the Unspoken! Your loyal Symbifan has returned as promised and with the final part of my look back at one of my favorite storylines from the 90's, "Spirits of Venom"! (This exciting finale was originally published in "Spirits of Vengeance" #6) As we begin, I must ask you all a…
“It’s Been a While...” I've been thinking about writing this article ever since my previous piece on "EXPERIENCING THE ULTRAFORCE CARTOON" for the Unspoken Decade a while ago. While I primarily focus on podcasting with "Unspoken Issues," I also have a small passion for writing. To compensate for taking so long to write again, I'm…
Well, I'm back at last, Unspokenites. I apologize for the long delay in getting to this third part of the story. I blame global warming personally. Okay. That was lame. Would you believe that I barely survived an alien plague? Fine. I was being lazy. Happy now? Geez! You guys are relentless! Anyway, let's shift…
Hello, Unspokenites and welcome back to my look back at the "Spirits of Venom" epic! Why is it an epic? Because this storyline literally made me drool as a kid at how amazingly badass it was! So I'm a little biased, sue me. (It's true about the drool unfortunately. I've gone through more copies of…
Thirty years ago, Rob Liefeld’s renegade super-hero team, Brigade, went to war with the undead mercenaries of Bloodstrike in a brutal, bloody, and bone-crunching battle chronicled in a six-part epic called “Blood Brothers” Every 90’s comic nerd is at least somewhat familiar with Rob Liefeld’s Image Comics launching mega-hit Youngblood. The team book focusing on…
Fierce rage built up in him, ready to overflow like lava from an erupting volcano. Only his steel will stood between him and completely losing himself to it. If he were to succumb, would anyone be safe from his wrath? But enough about me quitting smoking this month. I should probably get on with the…
Well, here we are, Unspokenites! The thrilling end to the "Emerald Twilight" saga. This article's events take place in "Green Lantern" #50 and boy, was this one a page-turner! When we last left our "hero", Hal Jordan had completely lost his mind! Now, all that seems to be standing in his way of achieving ultimate…
We've all had one of those moments in our lives where we just want to snap and go on a rampage. Something has angered us so much that we'd love to deal out some of the pain we've felt back to the world. Hal Jordan of the Green Lantern Corps has just had that moment.…
There I was, close to certain death. As I lie in my bed, my life flashed before my eyes. Yes. This was the end of your loyal Symbifan. No more posts. No more articles. The end. Well, perhaps I'm exaggerating just a bit. I had the flu. Don't laugh! You know how sickness is for…
Written by: Tawmis Logue See the article I originally wrote: Now you’re reading that title and either screaming I am wrong – because Sinister even hinted as much in X-Men #23, when Sinister had told Cyclops: “… but I care enough to wish you and your brothers to be protected from this illness.” Fabian…
Who misses Saturday morning cartoons? Come on, a show of hands. Me too. Those were the days. Remember when Elmer Fudd would walk off of a cliff and not fall until he noticed, or Jerry would hand Tom a stick of dynamite and he wouldn't die from the explosion, but instead resemble a struck match?…
"Prep time" isn't always the solution to everything. I just wanted to say that before I started my first article solely about Batman. Why do I say that? Because Batman fanboys the world over have used that answer forever on how the Dark Knight can defeat any character in all of comicdom. But the man…
I remember being in Junior High. I normally had a miserable time in school, but this new, bigger environment was far worse as I have several mental disabilities. But I hadn't yet been concretely diagnosed. People just thought I hated school. In truth, I was suffering from agoraphobia and severe social anxiety. My only happy…
Happy Holidays, Unspokenites! And welcome back to my look back at the Elseworlds epic from "Superman: The Man of Steel" Annual #3! I know it's been awhile since part one dropped, but rest assured, your loyal Symbifan never forgot about you. So, that said, I present my gift to you all. Let us return to…
So, does he just talk to fish? Sadly, that's all that enters most people's minds when they think of Aquaman. The guy rules nearly three fourths of the planet, can rip open a tank with his bare hands, and has skin that's tough enough to withstand the intense pressure of the lowest depths of the…
Gather around, my fellow Unspokenites, and let me tell you a tale! A tale of one of the coolest, yet frequently forgotten, characters in all of the Aquaman mythos! I speak of course of King Noble, ruler of the underdwelling people, the Lurkers. When I last left you, Aquaman and Noble had gotten into a…
Hello, boys and girls! Are we all ready for storytime? You are? Good. Gather around and sit down crisscross-applesauce. I have a story that's perfect for children. It's about a colorful and cheery alternate dimension. It was called the "Age of Apocalypse". Doesn't that sound fun? Great! Well, I have your permission slips, so let's…
Are heroes made, or are they born? What about superheroes? That's the question I pondered as I read this fascinating, Elseworlds annual as a kid. I never came to a concrete conclusion truthfully. What about you? Read on, Unspokenites, and then see if you can decide. Here's my look at "Superman: The Man of Steel"…
I get the Maxx. He sees a world around himself that may or may not be real. Most of the time, this leaves him disoriented and confused. Yet he pushes forward heroically. I'm diagnosed as Schizoaffective. (Truth be told, I probably fall under a dozen different categories. I think my shrinks over the years just…
Captain Cold. Mirror Master. Gorilla Grodd. The Reverse Flash. Yeah. Them you know. But do you know the most underappreciated Flash villain of all? I'll give you a hint. His name's in the title. That's right! Cobalt Blue! What? Who's that?! Well let me educate you..... (By the way, I was tempted to list "The…
What's hideously deformed, smells of toxic waste, and wears a ragged pink tutu? Yo mama! Ha! I kill myself sometimes! Ahem. Seriously though. If you answered, "The Toxic Avenger", you'd be right on the money. The Toxic Avenger was created in 1984 as a black comedy/horror/superhero film for Troma Entertainment. Though the movie was low-budget…