Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
This past weekend, I did my first-ever annual review. I’d like to share two things with you from my experience. It’s 100% worth doing. Honest. I had a lot of fun with this. My 2020 annual review reminded me of many fun memories that I had forgotten about. Such as the walleye fishing trip with […]
Streaks are their own reward. When you commit to something every day, you find satisfaction—independent from the activity itself—just in keeping the streak alive. In this way, streaks are a powerful source of motivation. They create self-reinforcing internal pressure to keep going. Each day that extends the streak is more motivation not to break it […]
As a writer, my notes are integral to my creative process. They constitute a bank of ideas and inspiration that I withdraw from repeatedly. Over time, my network of digital notes has grown to be more valuable to me than Google. When I sit down to write, I search Evernote first for information to support […]
For tens of thousands of years ancient humans lived as hunter-gatherers. They owned few possessions and traveled across vast distances in step with the migration patterns of the beasts they hunted. It was a tough existence. They lived hand to mouth, always on the search for food, and only one misstep away from disaster. A […]
Years ago, a group of researchers visited one of the last hunter-gatherer societies on Earth. They wanted to know what occupation was most highly valued amongst members of the tribe. To their surprise, the best hunters and gatherers did not enjoy status at the top of the societal food chain. Neither did the community healers, […]
Activity without purpose is wasted motion. The most active animal in the barnyard is the chicken with its head cut off. Movement isn’t always a sign of life. Likewise, busy is not the same as productive. It doesn’t matter how fast you row the boat. You’ll meander without ever reaching your destination without a rudder. […]
[A] man can no more be completely original […] than a tree can grow out of air. George Bernard Shaw There’s a theory in science called “multiple discovery” which postulates that most important scientific discoveries and inventions are made independently and more or less simultaneously by multiple scientists and inventors. You can find many examples […]