Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
On February 7 and 9, the Handel+Haydn Society in Boston will perform works by the former under their artistic director, conductor, cellist and keyboardist Jonathan Cohen, in a program featuring the soloist Joélle Harvey and titled “Love, Handel.” (“Love, Handle”?).
Earlier this month, Notre-Dame opened its doors after five years of construction work. The two-day reopening ceremony saw the cathedral filled to the brim with thousands of people, including celebrities, politicians and heads of state. Even Olivier Latry, titular organist at Notre-Dame, had to do his usually solitary work surrounded by film crews and security guards. […]
Twentieth-century physics expanded our sense of subatomic and cosmological scales, opening up musical time and space in the process. Modernism is full of the complex dance between “large” and “small.” It includes the encyclopedic gigantism of works like Mahler’s Symphony No.8, Havergal Brian’s “Gothic” Symphony, or Alexander Scriabin’s “Mysterium.” The latter, an unperformed and unperformable […]