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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
These are the products that have been my skincare support system. The ones seeing me through late evenings, smudged mascara and random seven o’clock spots. The ones that come out when my general reaction to a glimpse in the mirror is ‘oh my CHRIST I look knackered’ and ‘…was that there last night?’...
I don’t think there is a city in the world that doesn’t look heavenly under the glowy guise of autumn. The orange, yellow and red leaves. The low sunlight that catches through what’s left on the trees, and the kind of cold that leaves your cheeks simultaneously rosy and cold to touch at the same time...
It’s around this time of year, the new pencil case nostalgia and back to school playground bells ringing in my ears, that I start itching to spend money like I have the stuff to burn. LEAVE MY POCKETS AND REPLACE YOURSELVES WITH BURGUNDY CORD, I dramatically bellow...
When it comes to beauty, I rotate my makeup like I do my cereal options in the morning- which, for a creature of habit like me, is really not a lot. When I like something, I turn to it every day without fail (which, in a dream world would be a bit like the M&S Triple Chocolate Crunch)...
Happy Tuesday lovely people! I'm beginning the day with a bit of an exciting post, because if you need something silly, lighthearted and a bit of fun to keep you company this morning (with a tonne of excellent *can I say that??* recommendations) then, dear reader- you have come to the right place!
Picture this; you've just finished work early on a Wednesday afternoon. It's one of the first balmy evenings of the year, and although it's not quite 'pub garden' and spilling onto the pavements in full gusto weather yet, it's the kind of evening where you can walk to the station or tram stop, jacket in hand and know it will be light when you're cooking your dinner when you get home and looking out of the kitchen window...
This time last week, in the midst of a week of blissful sunshine which felt like the first proper taste of British summertime, I was invited for an evening in the Cotswolds with If Only If (the most beautiful nightwear brand, who I’ll get to in a moment) and Sand and Stone Escapes...
Sometimes it’s easy when you’re trying skincare and picking up new products to forget the things that really work. The ones you loved going back to for a reason before your eye got caught by something in shiny packaging flirting with you at the counter of Space NK...
It's January, Heart/Gold Christmas have stopped playing festive songs on the 26th of December- you've forgotten what your music taste is outside of anything featuring the delicate tinkling of sleigh bells and Murder On The Dancefloor has infiltrated every other thought and mundane chore you've done since the beginning of the month...
It’s here! I was wondering if I’d get around to sharing my annual old-school diary attempt at summarising a year in a blog post (a.k.a getting a bit deep both via my scanner and in my drafts), and despite the fact this time of year can often go one of two ways (acute anxiety about the year gone by stemmed from too many Quality Street and TikToks, or a renewed sense of hope and promise that feels heady and almost Joe-Wicks-like)- my gravitational pull to oversharing has conquered once more...
When it comes to Christmas, I’ve been known to embrace a good bit of themed dressing. Anything that has me resembling a Gibb brother, Miss Piggy in a Muppet’s Christmas Carol (niche, but the tartan is not to be sniffed at) or a misplaced bauble are all references that won’t be lost on my festive wardrobe...
Whether it’s because you’ve found yourself buying for World’s Hardest Gift Recipient, or know someone that would rather cosy up in the cinema watching the latest release rather than unwrap another book to add to their bedside book tower- hopefully I can offer some ideas!
When I was asking on Instagram about the kind of people you’d like to see a gift guide for one of the suggestions that came up was shopping for people who were new in your life; or people that you didn’t really know all *that* well yet...
There's something very satisfying about pulling together all of the songs and music that have soundtracked your summer, or a time in your life. Be it a gloomy never-ending winter where kitchen discos seem to be the only fuel to get you through the dark evenings, or a playlist that wraps you up in memories so special you can pretty much be transported back with a quick listen...
If there’s one thing that I find really anchors an outfit to feeling like me, even on the laziest of days- it’s a great lipstick. Nothing adds a bit of unmistakable somethin’ somethin’ to a big white t-shirt and jeans, adds glamour to a slinky dress and cardigan and makes even the most tired days feel a little va va voom...
A couple of months ago I opened my cluttered inbox and at the top saw an invitation to Tuscany with one of my favourite brands, Reformation. I feel very lucky that my job is peppered with ‘pinch me’ moments and invitations like this always feel like one of those...
It’s very rarely I get excited about a fancy new restaurant opening or going somewhere new for dinner. As much as I love white tablecloths, fancy twirled butter and the kind of salt and pepper silver-wear that weigh as much as small gym weights; I’m equally as happy going to my favourite Pizza Express...
It’s been a little while since I walked you through some of my favourite new in beauty picks; and whilst there’s always seemingly endless shiny new launches- I tend to handpick what I think would work best for me and the things I’m most interested in and go from there...
When it came to planning my birthday, one thing I knew was that I wanted to wake up with my family- and, seeing as my sofa won’t fit three fully grown adults- I took to booking a little night by the sea as a special treat to see in the big 3-0 (did I say I’d turned 30, or?)
Does anything say 'nice deep period of reflection' like the last evening of your twenties? When you’ve just had a car ride back from dinner, and the world looks a bit like it does when you’re wearing sunglasses- golden and sepia toned and you feel ready to get deep and all music-videoy. Good timing, I say!