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We know what nonprofits are. We know that nonprofits depend on a good vision and service model and fundraising to continue their work. But what is a social enterpreneur? What is social entrepreneurship? It's the radical idea that you can found your business on doing good and making a profit, straight from the start. If
Video Post Do you want a bigger salary? This is a how-to video for women to negotiate salaries from Ramit Sethi of It shows key negotiation tactics for how you can get a better salary in your next job. Often we, as women, do not negotiate for the salary we really want. Here's how you can move beyond that.
Marketing your nonprofit is confusing in a changing world! Where is it worth it to advertise your cause? Do you go for newspaper ads? Flyers? Bumper Stickers? Facebook groups? Billboards? TV ads? Radio? Viral video? All of the above? What if you have no budget? Which ones are the most important? Where is your audience?
It’s as if there were a wall. And on one side of the wall is this belief that not-for-profits and government exist for public service, and that they’re fundamentally altruistic, that they have a deeper purpose, and they’re doing good in the world, and they have pure motives. On the other side of the wall are corporations. And they’re just selfish and greedy. They have no purpose other than to make money.
We'd all like to do more with less, especially now. How can you make your nonprofit more efficient? Ask yourself and those around you these questions. 1. What does your nonprofit spend the most money on? 2. What does your nonprofit waste the most money on? 3. How many people have been hired and fired
What is it? Lean Development is the practice of applying corporate waste-elimination strategies to the nonprofit development processes. When to do it: Every day, take 15 minutes and ask, “What went well today? What could have gone better?” Every week, examine your processes. Could something go faster? Could another thing eliminate waste? You'll need: A
Where do you want your fundraising career to go? Do you want to become a Development Manager? Development Director? Executive Director? Director of Annual Giving? Director of Major Gifts? Dean? Board chair? A Social Entrepreneur? A Founder of a Hybrid nonprofit? How do you get ahead in fundraising? Sign up for my newsletter, and get
Have you ever had a work environment so toxic, that you have to process everything that happens with your coworkers, excoriating the wrong-doers until you feel better? You might have left a job with a toxic work environment, or you might leave it soon, nevertheless, it is important that you heal yourself after such change
Did you read my first terrible appeal letter? If not, here it is! Did you read the second brutal appeal letter critique? Here it is. Here's the last brutal appeal letter critique, HRC's 2015 appeal letter. I got this letter because I gave a small donation to Human Rights Campaign at Portland Pride in 2014.
How do you know if your nonprofit story is any good? Are you stuck with writing a story right now? How can you make it better? Well, first of all, Check out Goal, Motivation, Conflict. Does your story have all three of these things? If not, rewrite it. So, what's a principle of Goal? A
Read the first part of this post here According to Robert McKee, there are 4 Primary techniques for Progression Social progression-Widen the impact of character actions into society Personal progression-Dark personal secrets Symbolic ascension -Builds the symbol from the particular to the universal- The specific to the archetypal Ironic ascension- Transition-counterpoint or held in common- The
Sooooo I was cleaning out my files the other day and I found the first appeal letter I ever wrote. Join me in 3 brutally honest appeal letter critiques, starting with my very first appeal letter! Appeal Letter 1: 2006 domestic violence appeal letter that I wrote So, what did this appeal letter say? It
What is the best way to write fundraising appeals? Recently I spoke with CauseVox about the core elements of effective fundraising appeals, how the best appeals are centered around stories of one, and even touch on lessons you can pull from your favorite works of fiction when you’re writing your appeals. Mazarine Treyz is
Here's an exclusive interview with YWCA Cincinnati annual report creator Nancy Spivey. Their annual report (combined with their appeal letter) made them over goal, which was over $449,000! How did they do it? What made it so successful? What did their donors say? Here's the answer!Mazarine Treyz: So I was looking at your annual report
Here's a hospice appeal from a person who took my year end appeals course and ran with it. -----------------------------------------------------------First off, my name is handwritten. I love that! It reads, "Dear Mazarine, You and I share something in common. We have seen what hospice can do. Hospice doesn't cure a person's disease, but it certainly
Recently I've been re-reading Robert McKee's Story. If you haven't yet read this book, and you are tasked with communications for your nonprofit, then I would definitely get it from the library at the very least. After I accrued some terrible library fines, I bought my own copy. Why should you tell a story? My
Did you read my first terrible appeal letter? If not, here it is! This second brutally honest appeal letter critique is brought to you by the VNSNY. This appeal letter was sent to my great aunt from the Visiting Nurse Service of New York. It reads, in its entirety, "Dear Friend of VNSNY, When you
I am always learning how to write. It does get easier, but there's always another mountain to climb. For right now, for example, I feel like I've got appeal letters nailed, but I'm learning how to write a screenplay. In our nonprofits, we have to write all the time. Grant proposals. Enewsletters. Appeal letters. Annual
Are you nervous? You're going to do so well! So remember, this is a TWO-Way interview. You're hiring them, not just the other way around.How do you know this will be a positive working environment for you? Ask these questions from my blog post. THEN ANTICIPATE their questions Start to look over the job description.
Most of us who work at small nonprofits would be lucky to have an HR person. When I worked at a small nonprofit, we had HR people on the board, but no one on staff to manage the human resources aspects of our nonprofit. So people made do. They talked with the board member. They
Fundraising interview questions are CRUCIAL to get right, because they can help you see if you want this job or not. Nonprofit fundraisers often have a hard time saying No. Perhaps it’s because we are so good at creating community and relationships. We are trained to say yes, to do sales, marketing, customer service to
This is part one in a series of three: How to get into fundraising from sales or marketing, how to get into fundraising from more blue-collar fields, and then, how to get OUT of fundraising and into something you like better. Part One: If you're in sales or marketing, the leap to fundraising is not
How do you know you're in trouble? Often in our nonprofit work environments, we have to GUESS we're in trouble rather than have people tell us we're in trouble. It's pretty bad. It's dysfunctional. And you shouldn't be forced to guess that people are going to fire you. However, with current "corporate" hiring practices, they
The smart, engaged and so clear Claire Axelrad of @CharityClairity on Twitter and presented at our fundraising career virtual conference in April. Her presentation was surprising and fascinating for so many of us. I've talked with people after the conference and some people said her session was their favorite. If you're interviewing right now
Because Man! It’s so important to take care of yourself because then you can take care of others! If you use yourself up, you have nothing left when you get home. And you will burn out of your job, FAST. So here’s a book that has helped me immeasurably over the last month. A coaching
Don't try to win over the haters, you're not the jackass whisperer! -Scott Stratten Lately I've been reading Brene Brown's excellent 2012 book, Daring Greatly. In it, she shares 10 tips to help you discover what the culture is at your nonprofit (or at home). Why would you want to discover the culture? Because when
Are you looking for a new fundraising or nonprofit job? INC magazine thinks they can figure you out, psychologically, with these 7 questions. LOL NO. If you'd like to see 10 more interview questions you may be asked, just go here. Here's what INC magazine thinks are important interview questions to "weed out the bad
Fundraising is a tremendously complex, challenging job. But you know that. That is why you're here. You're looking around, trying to learn how to do it better. After 10 years in this field, I have to say, there's still always something new to learn. When you're at a fundraising job, no matter what your title,
How can you choose the right executive director? It's not just about nonprofit executive director interview questions. Here’s your first tip. Don’t choose a current board member. It may seem a convenient way to save money and time, but please don’t do this. Why? A board member can’t make a decision on their own hiring.
Interviewed by Greg Nielsen for the Nonprofit Vision podcast March 2020 G: Gregory Nielsen, host M: Mazarine Treyz, Founder & CEO of Wild Woman Fundraising Podcast Key: :57- Who I am 1:50 - What is sustainable fundraising? (aka the 10 legged stool) 3:30 - How are orgs diversifying revenue streams? 5:56 - Resource I recommend
I've been excited for months to share Anjali Nath Upadhyay with you. Her podcast, Feral Visions, has been enlightening and inspiring me with so many ideas. Here's just a tiny excerpt of an interview she did with D'Juan Owens of #nowhitesaviors: "As Toni Morrison says, "If you can't imagine it, you can't have it." We
Over the couple months I've been thinking of this quote by Greisa Martinez Rosas, executive director of United We Dream. Greisa says, "Follow black women's leadership, with the boundless love of community, and the discipline of hope. We are the embodiment of our ancestors. We do not buy the lie that we are powerless. We
Are you wondering how to build relationships right now? Are you feeling tired, uninspired, or wired? You are not alone. I want to share with you what I learned about rejection, love, being afraid, being brave, and not taking things personally. I hope it will inspire you in your own asks, and your own funny