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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
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Singapore math, like, is it from Singapore? This is the question we hear most frequently when we talk about Singapore math. Math can be a frustrating subject regardless of how you are educating your student, but we here at WWP believe so strongly in the ... Read More
To help those who are curious about what Singapore Math is all about, this series of blog posts will take you through the history, approach, and essentially the “why” of Singapore Math. These conversations will largely draw from a paper written by SLO Classical Academy ... Read More
Interested in meeting the educators behind the Wisdom Wonder Project curriculum? Keep scrolling to learn a bit about our team.Singapore Math Video TeachersAmy Houser (Kindergarten and First Grade)If she’s not exploring the oceanfront and observing what the tide brings in, Amy is probably homeschooli
The Cowardly Lion stands as a strong motif for courage from my childhood. Part of what gives this character staying power in my association is my held belief that lions are courageous by nature. But as I rethink this—now, as an adult and mother—I wonder whylionsare so symbolic of courage in the anim
It may seem overwhelming when you are exploring all of the curriculum options, local groups, styles and philosophies, not to mention staying on top of the ever-changing state laws, but we’re here for you.We like to look at homeschooling like a hike:You can pick a path but then change direction.Some
While we follow the Singapore Math Primary Standards textbooks for our videos, they’re still applicable across all Singapore Math textbooks. Here is a tool for matching up your book edition with our books and videos. Scroll to go through Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade book editions.<br
This month’s character trait, resilience, takes some nuanced practice to master. Because sometimes, we need a good cry when we fall. Sometimes, we need to embrace failure and our weaknesses. We don’t need to be strong all the time. This is also resilience, on the other side of the coin—finding stren
Math can be a tricky subject to get excited about. I hear groans and complaints from time to time when I suggest that it’s math time. Sometimes we have to get sneaky about teaching math. If you’re following along with ourSingapore Mathvideo series I encourage you to look ahead at the lessons and sto
Here’s one for all you engineers out there: what happens when a structure lacks integrity? Structural integrity ensures that the structure has the capacity to carry its intended load—and then some. When a structurelacksintegrity, or if there is a structural failure, then catastrophe can occur. Think
When I was in college I lived with a single mom and her two young boys. We met one summer while we were both working for a local minor league baseball team. She needed a roommate and I needed a place to live, so it worked! We quickly became really good friends and her boys were like my brothers. Dur
I hope I’m not the only one who wants to start belting Aretha Franklin when I see this month’s character trait—”R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me.” (go ahead, you know you want to, too).I recently talked to another parent who was telling me how she has decided to reclaim cooking dinner. Sh
There are so many ideas, philosophies, and resources when it comes to homeschooling and parenting. Honestly, it can be overwhelming. So, that’s where I come in. I’m going to break down my favorite homeschool resources and share some of my favorite parenting and homeschool books, and tell you some re