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Wit & Delight
As a person with ADHD, I'm sharing my daily work routine and the productivity tools I swear by to get things done.
The Pomodoro Technique: time blocking with a much more colorful name. Set a timer for 25 minutes and focus on ONE THING.
There is a time and place for doing more than what is asked of you in order to get ahead. But it’s also so vital to give ourselves permission to simply show up as is.
A Kate Arends interview, including what a typical day in her life looks like, what she's looking forward to, and more.
I'm sharing eight tried and true project management tips to help you get started and make progress on your next endeavor.
Today I'm sharing a peek into my typical (yet flexible) weekly work routine, structured by the key focus items each day.
Today we're sharing 8 work from home tips that have the power to transform the way you work. Give them a try for yourself!
I am so excited to be sharing my conversation with Jen Olmstead, Lead Designer and Creative Director at Tonic Site Shop.
Why we must stop allowing our career to define our identity. I encourage you to take some time and ask yourself the following questions.
Maggie LaMaack is sharing her best tips for finding a job right now. Hopefully, her decade of learning, luck, and missteps can help you find your way.
From "You're going to have to be mouthier" to "A job doesn't equal identity," Brittany Chaffee is sharing the most surprising things about having a career.
I'm approaching work-life balance in a way that feels more manageable and that makes space in my life for more delight and less stress.
My career path hasn't followed a linear trajectory. The same may be true for you. Here's why that could actually be a good thing.
Today I'm sharing eight tried and true tips for how to start a project, creative or otherwise, and keep making progress on it over time.
Maggie LaMaack is sharing the 8 changes she's implemented over the course of the past 6 months that have transformed the way she works from home.
We're hiring a part-time assistant editor to join our editorial team, as well as writers to join our team of contributors.
I'm breaking down exactly how I built a creative career from the ground up, along with strategies you can use to do the same.
Here are four effective suggestions to help you get unstuck and keep moving forward, no matter what life throws at you.
Today we're sharing Erin's backstory, from her winding career trajectory to career advice she has for others to her favorite way to spend free time.
I'm excited to share with you my latest Skillshare class, one that's all about discovering, defining, and developing your Big Idea!
We took the opportunity to chat with three influential women in the Twin Cities to find out how they manage the constant pressure to communicate.
Raquel is one of the talented eyes behind what makes the W&D aesthetic cohesive, beautiful, and, well, delightful.
Today I'm sharing a few things I learned setting up Shop Wit & Delight, our e-commerce business.
Brittany Chaffee is sharing how your messy routines can help you get stuff done, no matter how unorganized your schedule may be.
I'm writing about the importance of mentorship in building a career, and a campaign that's offering grant money to small-business owners.
Meet Wit & Delight's behind-the-scenes warrior. Bridgette works with sponsors and on projects galore, and helps move W&D in the right direction every day.
Today we're sharing five favorite pieces of unsolicited advice that have turned out to be very useful nuggets of wisdom indeed.
One of the ways I'm keeping my brain focused these days (and away from the anxiety spirals I'm prone to) is by setting out to learn new skills.
When it comes to job applications, the advice I’m giving myself is that I am qualified enough. If the work sounds interesting, why not apply?
Zoe is sharing how persistence landed her a job at W&D, what a day in her life looks like, and how she spends her free time.
For new and longtime readers alike, today's post covers my background, what a typical day in my life looks like, what I'm looking forward to, and more.
I’ve finally found the secret sauce. I’ve untangled my busy brain, my workload, and my ambition into one simple rule of productivity: Follow your energy.
Looking for a different approach to help you stay on track throughout the day? The Pomodoro Technique may be just the ticket.
Whether you want to start a creative business or write a screenplay, here are some tips to psych yourself up and hone your creative skills.
Contributor Kate Smith has a whole host of insight she's garnered throughout her career, and today she's passing along the 3 best career lessons to you.
Today we're sharing Jackie's backstory, from her nonlinear career trajectory to advice she has for others to her favorite way to spend free time.
Jill Elliott is sharing how she revamped her routine to blend the productivity and comfort of a schedule with the play and intuition of an art practice.
Time blocking with a much more colorful name. Set a timer for 25 minutes, and in those 25 minutes, focus on ONE THING. No multitasking. No coffee break.
Today we're walking through the process of batching your work — how it can help you be more productive and successful, and have more leisure time to boot.
Navigating this path can be overwhelming, exhausting, and oftentimes feels impossible. Here are some tips to help you along the way: