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Wit & Delight
How my relationship with alcohol has changed over time, why I quit drinking, the benefits of not drinking, and what the future looks like.
A more focused approach to journaling that puts feelings front and center: journaling prompts for mental health and processing emotions.
A personal essay on what happened when my armor fell away and I learned to truly live a life with authenticity at the forefront.
I'm sharing 11 of the personal essays I've written on relationships, mental health, becoming a parent, and what home means to me.
I'm sharing 20 of my favorite journaling prompts for self-discovery, managing emotions, and dealing with anxiety and depression.
Taking a five-minute break when I need it is about allowing myself to pause, even when everything in me is telling me to keep going.
Everything you need to know about healthy boundaries — what they are, what happens when we don't have them, and how to set them in your life.
When I’m feeling overwhelmed and out of sorts, these five small practices always help me connect to myself again.
Self-care for introverts might look a little different than it does for our extroverted friends. Here are 3 self-care practices worth trying.
I put together a list of 11 simple yet incredibly important tips that will help turn your next bad day around.
I began to define self-actualization as the simple act of knowing who I am and being able to reside inside that space for a while.
Let's look at anxiety a little differently. These are some of the benefits of anxiety, and why, in some ways, it might be your superpower.
For the sake of our health and happiness, we're sharing 5 ways to recognize when we're burned out and 5 ways to address it early.
We're exploring what it means to have an adult tantrum—what it feels like and how we can get to the other side when it occurs.
This practice has completely changed the course of my life and how I deal with my own ups and downs. I'm so eager to share it with you.
When you want a burst of creativity but don’t know how to get into that mindset, these are a few favorite prompts to help you get started.
Most of us have heard the science around the benefits of naps. Here are 7 secret side effects I've discovered for myself, as a lifelong napper.
Our June theme on Wit & Delight is all about learning to embrace the mess and figuring out how to find stillness within it.
I'm sharing a small self-care act I practice daily that checks off so many boxes for me when it comes to daily wellness needs.
Today one writer is exploring the topic of attention fatigue, and what activities in particular help them get to the other side.
This practice is about allowing myself to pause, even when everything in me is telling me to keep going. I hope you find it as helpful as I have.
Today we're exploring what is means to be the opposite of a perfectionist, in a world that demands excellence at every turn.
We're sharing 8 of our favorite ways to start your morning on a good note, whether or not you're a *morning person* by nature.
Could you use some reminders on how to be kind and compassionate with yourself in your everyday life? Here are a few simple ideas.
Finding micro-moments of stillness sometimes means feeling the tough stuff, and sometimes means closing your eyes and simply enjoying the fresh air.
Our minds often receive less priority than our physical spaces. Here's a nudge to be proactive about caring for your mental health.
Today Meggie Maas is sharing 6 things that can help you move through the postpartum period with more grace and acceptance for your body after baby.
Today we're sharing remedies for 7 common PMS symptoms, so when PMS hits, you can be a bit more prepared (and feel better too).
Today's post explores the powerful shift that could come from more transparency around our individual health journeys.
Writer Ryan Alexis is sharing the importance of learning to parent yourself, one small kindness and gentle nudge toward routine at a time.
Today I'm sharing one of my tried and true tips for staying informed and keeping safely connected with friends and family in this new normal.
When done correctly, journaling can help in releasing pent-up feelings and everyday stress. Today I'm sharing 20 favorite journaling prompts.
Relationship researcher Carol Bruess and Dr. Chris Gonzalez are sharing the six steps you need to create a healthy relationship with regret in your life.
We're sharing 15 things you could do rather than indulge in that familiar, unproductive tendency we all have — comparing ourselves to others.
Contributor Nina Kolar is sharing morning movements that will help prepare you to take on whatever your day has in store for you.
This is what happens when a skeptic meditates for 10 days. Maybe, just maybe, this article will inspire you to try it out for yourself too.
These are the benefits I've noticed from slowing down more often, along with tangible ways you can practice a slower pace in your life.
Brittany Chaffee is exploring the concept of women's sexual desire and why it's not nearly as complicated as our society has made it seem.
Here are some of the benefits I’ve discovered when it comes to daily mood tracking. Read on, then ask yourself, truthfully, how you are.
While there's no miracle cure for pulling yourself out of a tough spot, there are ways you can gently ease back above ground.