Science & Technology
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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Newest free interactive course from Wolfram U covers Laplace transforms, inverse Laplace transforms and applications. Utilizes computational capabilities and visualization tools in Wolfram Language. Certification available.
Detailed history and explanation of hypergeometric series functions. Includes the bilateral hypergeometric function, which has been added to Wolfram Language. Version 14.0 now contains the whole set of hypergeometric functions of one variable.
Wolfram offers free interactive course on finite math, with certification. Aligns with college courses and covers matrices, linear systems, linear optimization, the mathematics of finance, probability, Markov chains and game theory.
Step-by-step solutions for long division, multiplication, addition and subtraction. Students get help arranging numbers by place value, then working out each step. Also help for multiplication and division of polynomials.
New tools in Wolfram Language 12.2 for studying function properties. Exploration of properties for squares and cubes; trigs and inverses; elliptic, piecewise, special and multivariable functions.