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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Staying Motivated Through the Winter Months: Interview Coaching and Career Change Tips — Working Career - Executive and Career Coaching
Are you going to be part of The Great Resignation? A large percentage of workers are set to change careers or change their jobs. Find out what the Great Resignation is and the questions to ask yourself whether you want to quit your job or career
Career coaching quotes and 7 tips to be happier at work. Feeling the Monday morning blues or lacking in enthusiasm for work during the week? Try these inspiring work quotes and tips to be happier at work.
Nicky's Mather's Loch Lomond swim and how I supported her. Nicky swam the length of Loch Lomond (21.6 miles). This is the story of how we worked together and how how she managed it.
Spring is here. It’s time for a career spring clean. This could be to review what you do at work to make some productive changes. Or it could mean developing your career with learning or promotion. Or it might mean changing your career so you are happier at work.
Is there a link between careers, jobs and mental health? In this interview Jean Tennant interviews Diana Dawson from Working Career. Jean is a freelance writer and trainer specialising in workplace health, neurodiversity (mainly dyslexia, ADHD, dyspraxia, and autism) and disability.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Hypno-CBT®) is now offered at Working Career to help manage stress, insomnia, and nerves at interviews and presentations. And to build confidence, self-esteem, resilience and well-being at work.