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The articles, videos and news stories featured on this page are gathered from various sources and are provided as a service to our users. They do not represent the views or opinions of the City of Bakersfield nor its employees. Please note that some of the articles and videos are only available to view for a limited time. Bakersfield’s Bad Year Rising crime, a pandemic and economic downturn cause residents to reexamine their city By Cali Briceno The City of Bakersfield is no stranger to tough times, but this year has been especially hard. Crime is up, the economy is struggling, and the coronavirus pandemic is still causing disruption. For many in the city, it’s been a year of hardship and uncertainty. The crime rate in Bakersfield has been steadily increasing over the past year, with the number of homicides more than doubling from 2019. And while the city has seen some progress in curbing gang violence, it’s still a major problem. The police department has been working hard to combat the crime, but it’s an uphill battle. The economic downturn in 2020 has also been felt in Bakersfield