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1. Animal Farm: A Study in Power and Control - This article examines the themes of power and control within the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell. It looks into how the animals struggle for power and how their relationships change as a result. 2. Animal Farm: A Look at Industrialization and Revolution - This article examines the themes of industrialization and revolution in George Orwell's Animal Farm. It looks at how the animals on the farm fight to overthrow the oppressive human masters and how their revolution ultimately fails due to internal divisions. 3. Animal Farm: A Reflection of Soviet Russia - This article looks at how Animal Farm reflects the political and social systems of Soviet Russia during the Stalin era. It examines the various themes and symbols in the novel and how they relate to the Soviet Union. 4. Animal Farm: A Critical Analysis - This article provides a critical analysis of Animal Farm by George Orwell. It looks at the various themes and symbols in the novel and how they can be interpreted in terms of the larger political and social context. 5. Video: Animal Farm Trailer - This is the official trailer for the 1999 movie adaptation of Animal Farm. It provides an overview of the plot and introduces viewers to the various characters and themes in the