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Cave News •10,000 Year Old Cave Art Found In India (Aug, 2020): Archaeologists in India have discovered 10,000 year old cave art in the state of Maharashtra. The drawings depict figures of animals, tools and symbols. The artwork was discovered in the Jogimara Caves, which are located in the Kaimur region of the state. The ancient artwork is believed to be the oldest discovered in India and is thought to be the work of Paleolithic-era hunter-gatherers. •World's Largest Cave Discovered In Vietnam (Jan, 2019): Scientists have discovered the world's largest cave in Vietnam. The Son Doong Cave is over 200m high and 150m wide and is estimated to be at least 2.5 miles long. The cave was discovered by a local man in 1990 but was not explored until 2009. The cave is now a major tourist destination and has drawn thousands of visitors from around the world. •Cave Art Discovered In Peru (Oct, 2018): Archaeologists in Peru have discovered ancient cave art in the Amazon rainforest. The artwork is estimated to be between 500 and 1,000 years old and includes abstract shapes, animals, and geometric designs.