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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Senior executives at major companies in the U.S. and around the world often make headlines for their decisions and strategies. CEOs are often the public face of their organizations, and their words and actions can impact the stock prices, consumer sentiment and the future of their companies. Many CEOs are also in the news for their philanthropic activities and charitable donations. Below you'll find the latest news, articles and videos related to CEOs, as well as profiles of some of the most influential business leaders in the world.
I first heard Joe O’Connor , CEO and Co-founder of Work Time Reduction, on a Forbes panel called “Beyond Burnout Band-Aids” and found what he had to say about the relationship between well-being and productivity enlightening. I asked him to speak with me about his work. Joe defines burnout as exha
Element jest – według nas – najlepszym systemem rekrutacyjnym (ATS) w Polsce. Dlaczego? Przeczytaj poniżej. W ramach swojej funkcjonalności Job Monit wybrał dla naszej społeczności ogłoszenia o pracę dla doświadczonych managerów i executives w Polsce. CEO / COO Prezes Zarządu @ Spółdzielnia Mieszkaniowa Ugorek / Kraków Prezes Zarządu Spółki @ Powiat Zielonogórski / Sulechów Dyrektor […]