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1. Charles Dickens: His Life and Legacy Headline: Celebrating the life and legacy of one of Britain's greatest authors The life and legacy of Charles Dickens, one of Britain's greatest authors, is celebrated today, the bicentenary of his birth. Dickens was born in Portsmouth on 7 February 1812, the second of eight children. He worked as a journalist and editor before establishing himself as a novelist. His novels, including Oliver Twist, Great Expectations and A Christmas Carol, are beloved classics. Although his works were published more than a century ago, his stories of poverty and social injustice are still relevant today. In this article, we look at some of the key moments in Dickens' life, and explore the legacy of one of Britain's greatest authors. 2. Charles Dickens' Literary Genius Headline: Exploring the literary genius of Charles Dickens Today marks the bicentenary of the birth of Charles Dickens, one of Britain's greatest authors. Dickens’ novels are beloved classics that have been adapted for film and stage, and his works continue to be studied in schools and universities. But why is Dickens’ work still so relevant and popular today? In this article, we
Barbara Kingsolver, Creative Commons I recently finished reading Barbara Kingsolver’s newest book, Demon Copperhead, a modern retelling of David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, and winner of the 2023 Pulitzer Prize for fiction and the 2023 Women’s Prize for Fiction. While I work on my review, here is some background information about Kingsolver and her literary…
Demon CopperheadbyBarbara Kingsolver Here is another book I waited a long time to get a library copy, Demon Copperhead,a modern retelling of David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. Kingsolver sets her book in the Southern Appalachian Mountains of Lee County, Virginia and tells the story of Damon, a boy who endures the foster care system and,…
What will you be reading this summer? I’ve settled on four very different books, three fiction and one non-fiction. I’ve nearly finished Barbara Kingsolver’s Demon Copperhead, a contemporary take on Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield set in a dark corner of America during the worst of the Oxycontin crisis, and one of the better books I’veRead more
Charles Dickens and Georgina Hogarth: A curious and enduring relationship by Christine Skelton (Manchester University Press, 2023) Of all the unanswered questions and ongoing disputes about Charles Dickens's life, one of the most intriguing is this: When Charles and his...
The Chimes by Charles Dickens DETAILS: Publisher: Fahrenheit Press Publication Date: November 15, 2023 Format: eBook Length: 94 pg. Read Date: December 21-22, 2023 There are not many people—and as …
Fiction - paperback; Chatto & Windus; 293 pages; 2023. Manipulators and con artists make great fodder for novels. Think Tom Ripley in Patricia Highsmith’s The Talented Mr Ripley or Abel Magwitch in Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations. Even Jay Gatsby in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby could be seen to engage in various forms of…
Welcome to the Sunday Stills feature hosted by Terri Webster Schrandt. This week the prompt is landscapes. “Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own.” – Charles Dickens The Great Orme, a limestone headland on the North Wales coast. If you're feeling energetic it's a good walk to the top, otherwise…
My dream job has been announced on Instagram. The Charles Dickens Museum is hiring!We're delighted to announce this rare opportunity to join our museum as a curator. Working to maintain the museum as a high-profile heritage site, you'll develop visitor-facing programs including displays and exhibitions, as well as undertaking key aspects of collections management and…