Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
- ABC News The American Academy of Pediatrics says that children under the age of 12 should not have access to smartphones, tablets or other handheld devices. Parents should make sure that the devices they allow their children to use are age appropriate and used in moderation. It is important to monitor the usage of these devices to ensure that children are not using them excessively or using them for inappropriate purposes. Parents should also be aware of the potential risks of online predators and cyber-bullying that come with having a child online.
Wild garlic (or Allium ursinum) is a beautiful and edible wild plant that belongs to the Allium family. Did you know there are actually over 920 species of Allium plants which also include onion, leeks and chives? Wild garlic produces beautiful star burst white flowers that provide an important early source of food for pollinators…
There are over 26,000 cultivated varieties of daffodil but only one species that is truly native to the UK. You might be surprised to find that Daffodils are NOT good plants to grow for wildlife, most commercial varieties are so hybridized (cross-bred) that they are sterile, produce very little pollen or nectar or have lost…
Did you know stinging nettles provide an important source of food for wildlife! The caterpillars of several species of butterfly and moth rely on the plants for food, ladybirds lay their eggs on the leaves, bees and other pollinators feed on the nectar from the flowers and some species of bird even feed on the…
Question: I have so many issues I don't even know where to begin. I am the proud mother of a beautiful 2-year-old daughter. She is the light of my life but boy are we having troubles. She is very independent and strong-willed. Also very LOUD!!! Screaming at the top of her lungs is her answer to anything she doesn't like. I wish I could say that these problems are new but