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Culture & Art
- Breitbart Cyclops News, Articles and Videos on Breitbart discuss the latest news, issues and commentary on the X-Men character Cyclops. The site covers topics such as his history, powers, relationships and his role in the Marvel universe. Articles and videos have included reviews of the latest X-Men movies, news about upcoming comic books, interviews with Cyclops voice actors, and analysis of the character's impact in popular culture.
COVER Story one: Angel and Cyclops uses his wealth to build what’s essentially an indoor air park where disabled people can put on artificial wings and fly. Acceptably corny. Grade: C Story two: Beast and Kitty Pryde try to go to the opera but the doorman won’t let them in…
X-Men follows Cyclops’s team of X-Men, a team which includes Magneto. Magneto helped Cyclops found this new team, but has been an X-Men ally for a long time. Magneto rejoined the X-Men during the Utopia Era, working with Cyclops to protect mutants and has stayed with the team ever since. The current X-Men books — […]
The Raid on Graymalkin is over, but the manhunt is just beginning. The four-part crossover between between Marvel’s relaunched X-Men and Uncanny X-Men titles saw the Alaska-based X-Men, led by Cyclops, and the Louisana-based X-Men team, led by Rogue, clash during a prison break of the mutants abducted and imprisoned in Graymalkin: once the X-Men’s […]
X-Men’s Cyclops is one of the most debated characters in Marvel lore and is still out here fighting for his respect. In recent years, projects like X-Men’s Krakoa Era and the X-Men ’97 animated series have catapulted Cyclops to new levels of respect and fame, as longtime Marvel fans have had their fondness of Cyclops […]
“X-Manhunt” is Marvel’s latest X-Men epic, kicking off with Uncanny X-Men #11, by writer Gail Simone and artist Javier Garron. The issue lays out the basics of this new story — the X-Men teaming up with their enemies in Graymalkin Prison to apprehend Professor X after he escapes to save his daughter Xandra — but […]