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Another way to measure a country’s wellbeing is the Global Happiness Report. This report ranks countries according to how their citizens report feeling on a scale of 0-10. The report looks at factors such as economic growth, social support, freedom, trust and life expectancy to determine a country’s overall happiness. The report also takes into account the country’s environmental sustainability, inequality and access to healthcare. The report is released annually and provides a unique perspective on the wellbeing of a country. The World Happiness Report is a comprehensive survey of the state of global happiness among countries in the world. The report is published by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the United Nations. The report uses data from Gallup World Poll surveys to rank 156 countries by their happiness levels. The report also includes country-level analysis of the data and reports on trends in global happiness. The report looks at six key variables that explain the differences in happiness levels between countries: income, life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom, and trust.