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Gluon is an open source deep learning platform created by Apache Software Foundation and Microsoft. It enables developers to quickly create, prototype and train deep learning models. Gluon provides a straightforward API to define the neural network structure, and a variety of tools to efficiently train models. Gluon also provides access to high performance hardware and cloud environment to accelerate model training. Gluon enables developers to create, train and deploy deep learning models quickly and easily. 1. Introducing Gluon: An Open Source Deep Learning Platform by Microsoft and Apache https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-gluon-an-open-source-deep-learning-platform-by-microsoft-and-apache/ 2. Gluon: Get Started with Deep Learning Quickly https://towardsdatascience.com/gluon-get-started-with-deep-learning-quickly-3e3d3c9e9b2f 3. Gluon Tutorial: How to Easily Develop Deep Learning Models https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxVUnLFdJgQ 4. G