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Growth share is a business model that emphasizes the growth of a company through the development of new products and services. The idea behind growth share is that companies should focus on developing new products and services that can be used to expand their customer base and generate new revenue. This model is often used to explain the rapid growth of technology and internet companies in recent years. Growth share models focus on developing a portfolio of products and services that can be used to increase revenue and gain market share. This model is based on the idea that a company should be willing to invest in research and development in order to create new products and services that can be used to increase its customer base and generate new revenue. Growth share models focus on creating products and services that have a large potential market and that can be used to increase the company’s customer base. Growth share models are often used in conjunction with other business models such as product-market fit and market segmentation. These models focus on understanding customer needs and creating products and services that meet those needs. Growth share models also emphasize the importance of marketing and customer acquisition to generate new revenue. Growth share models are often used in companies that are in the early stages of growth. Companies that are already