Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
1. Hackathon News: -Ready to Take on the Challenges of Hackathon Season? -Developers to Take Part in Virtual Hackathon -The World’s Largest Hackathon is Coming to London 2. Articles: -How to Win a Hackathon -What to Expect at a Hackathon -Tips for Winning a Hackathon 3. Videos: -What is a Hackathon? -How to Prepare for a Hackathon -How to Make the Most of a Hackathon
Summary: I’m involved in organising a hackathon, and I’d love you to take part. The open-source GeoTAM hackathon focuses on estimating turnover for individual business locations in the UK, from a variety of open datasets. Please checkout the hackathon page and sign up. There are prizes of up to £2,000! (Click image for a larger […]
This week we had a wonderful community call, From Novice to Contributor: Making and Supporting First-Time Contributions to FOSS, where Sunny Tseng, Pascal Burkhard, and Yaoxiang Li shared with us their experiences with, and advice for, first time cont...
This week we had a wonderful community call, From Novice to Contributor: Making and Supporting First-Time Contributions to FOSS, where Sunny Tseng, Pascal Burkhard, and Yaoxiang Li shared with us their experiences with, and advice for, first time cont...