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11/28/2012 Hair Extensions: How To Choose The Perfect Length Hair extensions can add length and volume to your hair, but how do you choose the perfect length for you? Here are some tips to help you find the perfect length for your hair extensions. 1. Determine the length you want. The first step is to determine the length of your desired hair extensions. If you want to add length to your natural hair, consider a mid-length or longer hair extension. If you want to add volume and fullness, then a shorter hair extension may be a better option. 2. Measure your hair. The next step is to measure your natural hair. This will help you determine how much length you want to add. Measure your hair from the top of your head to the ends of your hair. This will give you an idea of the approximate length of the hair extensions you need. 3. Choose a hair extension type. There are several types of hair extensions available. You can choose from clip-in extensions, tape-in extensions, and sew-in extensions. Clip-in extensions are the easiest to install, but they are also the least permanent. Tape-in extensions are a bit more