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Hillclimbing is a form of motorsport in which drivers race up a hill in specially modified vehicles. It is one of the most popular and oldest forms of motorsport, dating back to the early 1900s. Hillclimbing is typically held on narrow, winding roads leading up hills or mountains, and the goal is to reach the peak of the hill as quickly as possible. Hillclimbing competitions are held all over the world and can include both amateur and professional drivers. The vehicles used in hillclimbing vary greatly depending on the type of hill and the driver’s preference. Some cars are modified road cars, while others are purpose-built hillclimbing machines. The most common type of vehicle used in hillclimbing is a two-wheel drive vehicle with a powerful engine and lightweight construction. Hillclimbing cars must be fitted with safety equipment such as roll cages, fire suppression systems, and a five-point safety harness. News and articles about hillclimbing can be found in newspapers, magazines, and online. Many websites offer news, forums, and resources for hillclimbing enthusiasts. There are also many videos available online that feature hillclimbing events from around the world.