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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Breaking News Coronavirus Update: Vaccine Ready for Human Trials A vaccine for the novel coronavirus has been developed and is ready for human trials, according to the World Health Organization. The vaccine is a combination of two existing vaccines that have been modified to target the virus that causes COVID-19. Clinical trials will begin in the coming weeks and the vaccine could be ready for use by the end of the year. Read more here Article: How to Stay Positive During Coronavirus Outbreak The coronavirus pandemic has upended our lives and left us feeling anxious, uncertain, and overwhelmed. But despite the difficult times, it is important to stay positive. Here are some tips for doing just that: Focus on what you
When it comes to using tidyverse in non-American contexts it gets often a little bit tricky. The last time I encountered a problem was when I tried to show the Euro-sign (€) in a PDF created with quarto and the gt-package. Using html as output format e...
In this tutorial, we will build an interactive web scraping project in Google Colab! This guide will walk you through extracting live weather forecast data from the U.S. National Weather Service. You'll learn to set up your environment, write a Python script using BeautifulSoup and requests, and integrate an interactive UI with ipywidgets. This tutorial provides a step-by-step approach to collecting, displaying, and saving weather data, all within a single, self-contained Colab notebook. Copy CodeCopiedUse a different Browser!pip install beautifulsoup4 ipywidgets pandas First, we install three essential libraries: BeautifulSoup4 for parsing HTML content, ipywidgets for creating interactive elements, and pandas
In Android application development, we often need to display dynamic text with specific styling. One way to achieve this is by leveraging HTML within string resources and processing it with Kotlin…