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1.IBM is helping to bring blockchain to the supply chain: IBM is helping to bring blockchain technology to the supply chain industry. The tech giant has partnered with the Global Shipping Business Network (GSBN) to develop a blockchain platform for the global supply chain. The platform will allow companies to quickly and securely track and manage their shipments, from the source to the destination, in real-time. The platform will also provide improved data visibility, allowing businesses to better manage risk and compliance. 2.IBM launches blockchain-powered food safety platform: IBM has launched a blockchain-powered food safety platform that will enable food suppliers, growers, processors, distributors, retailers, regulators and consumers to quickly identify the source of food contamination. The platform, called IBM Food Trust, is built on the Hyperledger Fabric and provides a single source of truth for food traceability data, enabling companies to trace food products from farm to table in seconds. 3.IBM launches a blockchain-based payments system: IBM has launched a blockchain-based payments system that will enable banks to quickly and securely process payments. The system, called IBM Blockchain Payments, is built on the Hyperledger Fabric and allows banks to quickly