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Internet advertising is a form of marketing that uses the Internet as a medium to reach potential customers. Internet advertising can be targeted to a specific geographic area or to a particular type of user. Internet advertising also has the potential to reach a large audience quickly and cost-effectively. Internet advertising is becoming increasingly popular as a way to promote products and services, as it is a cost-effective way to reach potential customers. Internet advertising can be divided into two main categories: paid search advertising and display advertising. Paid search advertising is typically done through search engine optimization (SEO) techniques or through pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. SEO techniques involve optimizing web pages and content so that they appear higher in search engine results. PPC advertising involves bidding for a certain keyword or phrase so that an advertisement appears in search engine results for that keyword or phrase. Display advertising is typically done through banner ads, pop-up ads, video ads, and rich media ads. Banner ads are typically rectangular images that appear on a web page. Pop-up ads are typically small windows that appear when a user visits a certain web page. Video ads are typically short videos that appear on a web page. Rich media ads are typically interactive ads that use animation,