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Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that is used to handle real-time data processing. Built on top of Apache Kafka, it is a popular open source technology used to stream and process data in real-time. Kafka is used by many businesses and organizations to provide real-time data processing, stream processing and analytics. Kafka Articles 1. What is Apache Kafka? (DigitalOcean) This article provides an overview of Apache Kafka and explains how it is used for data streaming. It also covers topics such as Kafka’s history and its key features, as well as its use cases and best practices. 2. Apache Kafka for Beginners (Confluent) This article introduces readers to Kafka and provides an overview of the platform’s key features. It also covers topics such as Kafka setup and configuration, use cases, and best practices. 3. Apache Kafka Tutorial (Apache Software Foundation) This tutorial provides an overview of Apache Kafka, its features and components, and how to use it. It also covers topics such as setup, configuration, and performance tuning. Kafka Videos 1. What is Apache Kafka? (Youtube) This video