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1. "Great Lakes Superior, Michigan and Huron Reach Record High Water Levels" This article from the Associated Press discusses how water levels in Lakes Superior, Michigan and Huron have reached record highs in 2020. It describes how this could have devastating effects on shoreline businesses, property owners and communities, as well as the impact it could have on the shipping industry. It also details the efforts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to mitigate the effects of the high water levels. 2. "Great Lakes Shark Sightings on the Rise" This article from the Chicago Tribune discusses the increasing number of shark sightings in Lake Michigan and other Great Lakes. It explains the reasons for this phenomenon, which include warmer temperatures, high water levels, and the abundance of food. It also discusses the efforts of scientists to keep track of shark sightings and the potential impacts of the increasing number of sharks on the ecosystem. 3. "How the Great Lakes Could Mitigate Climate Change" This video from the New York Times explains how the Great Lakes could help mitigate the effects of climate change. It discusses how the lakes absorb and store heat, as well as their ability to reduce the impacts of flooding and drought. It