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1. "Linear Technology Sees Record Revenues in Fourth Quarter" - This article from Business Wire discusses the record revenues for Linear Technology Corp. for its fourth quarter ended June 29, 2019. It also provides insights into the company's financial performance and its outlook for the future. 2. "Linear Technology Corporation: An Overview" - This article from Investopedia provides an overview of Linear Technology Corporation and its products and services. It also explains the company's history and how it has grown over the years. 3. "Linear Technology: Making Technology Easier to Use" - This video from YouTube explores how Linear Technology has made technology easier to use. It looks at the company's history, product development, and how it has revolutionized the world of electronics. 4. "Linear Technology's New Wi-Fi Radio System" - This article from Electronic Design discusses Linear Technology's new Wi-Fi radio system, which is designed to provide a low-power, secure, and reliable connection for the Internet of Things (IoT) applications. It provides an overview of the technology and its applications. 5. "Linear Technology Launches a New Range of Sensor Modules"