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Discover Latest #Management Consultancy News, Articles and Videos with Contenting

Management consultancy is an ever-evolving field of expertise, which is why keeping up-to-date with the latest news and developments is essential for those working in the industry. There is a wealth of information available online, including articles and videos. Here we have compiled some of the latest news, articles and videos on the topic of management consultancy. **News Articles** 1. "The Evolving Role of Management Consultants" - Forbes, 2019 2. "Why Management Consultants are Gaining Popularity" - Business Insider, 2020 3. "Management Consultants are Gaining Traction in the Public Sector" - McKinsey & Company, 2020 4. "The Changing Face of Management Consultancy" - The Guardian, 2020 5. "A Look at the Growing Demand for Management Consultants" - Harvard Business School, 2020 **Videos** 1. "Management Consulting: What it is and What it Isn't" - Harvard Business School, 2020 2. "Management Consulting: What You Need to Know" - McKinsey & Company, 2020 3. "The Role of Management Consultants in Business" - Deloitte, 2020