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Peyami Safa is an influential Turkish writer and philosopher who is known for his works on the Ottoman culture and its influence on the modern world. Safa is best known for his novel, The Silence of History, which was published in the 1950s and has since become a classic of Turkish literature. He is also known for his works on the Muslim world and its history, as well as his writings on Turkey’s place in the world. He has written many articles and essays, and his works have been translated into numerous languages. Peyami Safa has been featured in several news articles and videos, discussing his work and its impact on the modern world. In one video, he discusses the importance of understanding the Ottoman culture and its influence on the modern world. He also discusses the impact of his novel, The Silence of History, in the context of today’s world. In another article, he discusses his views on the current state of Turkey and its relationship with the European Union. Additionally, he has been interviewed by numerous media outlets, discussing his views on the current state of Turkey and its relationship with the world. He has also been featured in numerous books and articles discussing his work and its importance to the modern world.