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Culture & Art
Science & Technology
Culture & Art
The Poetry of the Everyday Every day, in small moments, can be filled with poetry. From the joy of a morning cup of coffee to the warmth of a sunset, the poetry of the everyday can be found in the simple moments. Whether it's in the mundane, like a grocery list, or in the magical, like a snowfall, these moments can be filled with beauty and joy. This article explores some of the ways to find and appreciate the poetry of the everyday. The Power of the Written Word Poetry has been around for centuries, and its timeless power to move people has made it a beloved art form. From moving sonnets to thought-provoking haikus, the written word has the ability to evoke emotion, create understanding, and inspire. This article looks at the power of the written word and how it can be used to express emotions, build bridges, and create positive change. The Art of Spoken Word Spoken word poetry is a unique form of performance art that combines the power of the written word with the emotion of spoken performance. It's a powerful tool for self-expression, storytelling, and rallying people to action. This article explores the art of spoken word and how it
In our part of the blogosphere, people are civilized. “Have you ever read Flaccus Valerius?” we might ask. But my readers and I much prefer Emily Dickinson and can recite one or two of her poems. We are also enthusiastic about Lawrence Durrell: members of the International Lawrence Durrell Society generously left long informative comments,…
An ominous snowstorm is predicted, and our city is shutting down. The snow plows are at the ready, and it will be the first work these men have had this year. The townspeople will rise at dawn and get out their shovels and snowblowers, and whoever gets up first will clear the sidewalks all the…
Gerard Smyth writes: War poet. Love poet. Nature poet. Elegist. Witness to the ‘Troubles’ and what in one poem he calls ‘the stereophonic nightmare / Of the Shankill and the Falls’. Michael Longley had a superb capacity to invent variations on his themes, and each became intrinsic to his art. The sustaining element across his […]