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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
7 Delicious Salads That Will Make You Love Eating Your Veggies It's time to start eating your greens! These salad recipes are so delicious that you'll forget you're eating your vegetables. 50 Salad Recipes to Make for Dinner Tonight Looking for some new and interesting salads to make for dinner? We've got you covered with 50 delicious salad recipes.
Italian torte salate, savoury pies, are popular, every day dishes for home cooking. They are endlessly versatile, inexpensive to make and, above all, taste great. A crust of short or puff pastry, some cooked vegetables, a little ham or other Italian cured meat (mortadella, speck) for extra flavour if you choose, eggs or béchamel sauce…
The perfect tomato salad does not exist, of course. It is one of those highly personal things even if there are a few unbreakable rules. However, I thought it would be a nice idea to share with you what the great Neapolitan food writer Jeanne Carola Francesconi, the author of one of the grandest…
This is the savoury version of scarpaccia, that unusual courgette cake from North Tuscany I described in the previous post; in fact savoury scarpaccia is regarded as the original dish by Tuscan food authority Paolo Petroni, whose recipe I used as a template (the sweet version, he says, came later).Savoury scarpaccia is typical of the costal…
I am a sucker for sottolii and sottaceto, i.e. all things (generally vegetarian ) preserved in vinegar or oil : with a hunk of bread & some cheese I could easily lunch on them every day. These sour sweet peppers are amongst my favourites: quick and easy, not too sharp, excellent to eat and beautiful…
Finally! The daffodils in the park, the camelia & the magnolia down in the garden, the birds cheerfully chirping away in the morning.. spring!! ... AND I found barba di frate (also called agretti) at one of my local semi-posh greengrocers (Newington Green Grocers-reccomended). Barba di frate a.k.a. friar's beard or agretti, is a green, slender…