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1. "The Best Smartphones of 2020" (CNET). This article provides an overview of the top smartphones of 2020, including their features, specs, and capabilities. 2. "5 Reasons To Buy A Smartphone Now" (TechRadar). This article provides an overview of the benefits of buying a smartphone, including their convenience, portability, connectivity, and more. 3. "The Biggest Smartphone Annoucements of 2020" (Engadget). This video provides an overview of the major smartphone announcements of 2020, from the launch of the iPhone 12 to the unveiling of the Samsung Galaxy S20. 4. "The Pros and Cons of Owning a Smartphone" (Digital Trends). This article provides an overview of the pros and cons of owning a smartphone, from its convenience to its potential for distraction. 5. "Smartphone Addiction: Why Do We Keep Checking Our Phones?" (BBC). This video explores the phenomenon of smartphone addiction and the potential consequences of it.