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1. User Research: A Comprehensive Guide - UX Planet This comprehensive guide provides an introduction to user research and its methods, discusses the challenges and benefits of research, and provides useful tips to get started. It covers topics such as recruiting participants, conducting interviews, and analyzing data. 2. User Research Best Practices - Smashing Magazine This article provides an overview of user research best practices, including approaches such as interviews, focus groups, and surveys. It also offers tips for conducting successful user research and provides resources for further reading. 3. User Research: An Essential Tool for Designers - Designmodo This article provides an overview of user research and its purpose in the design process. It discusses the different types of research, such as ethnographic research, usability testing, and field studies. It also provides tips on how to use research to inform design decisions. 4. How to Conduct a User Research Study - UX Booth This article provides an overview of how to conduct a user research study. It discusses the different types of research, including interviews, surveys, and usability testing. It also provides tips on how to create effective research questions and analyze data. 5. Video: User Research for UX Design - UX Mastery This