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VTB is a national Russian bank that operates internationally. It is the second largest bank in Russia and provides a range of banking services to both corporate and retail customers. VTB News, Articles and Videos provide a comprehensive look at the bank's operations and news related to its activities. VTB News VTB News covers the latest news and developments related to the bank. This includes news about its financial performance, management changes, new projects, and other important events. There are also articles about economic trends in Russia and the world that could affect VTB's operations. VTB Articles VTB Articles provide detailed analysis and commentary on the bank's activities. This includes articles about its financial performance, strategies, and operations. There are also articles that discuss the regulatory environment in Russia and the potential risks and opportunities for the bank. VTB Videos VTB Videos are a great way to learn more about the bank and its activities. Videos include interviews with executives, insights about the bank's operations, and updates about new projects and initiatives. They are also a great way to keep up to date with the latest news about the bank.