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Discover Latest #Western Rome News, Articles and Videos with Contenting

1. "The Last Days of Rome: How the Eternal City Fell in 476 AD" (History.com) 2. "The Decline of the Roman Empire" (BBC) 3. "The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History" (National Geographic) 4. "The End of Roman Rule in the West" (Encyclopedia Britannica) 5. "When Rome Was No More: The Fall of Western Rome" (Smithsonian Magazine) 6. "The Fall of the Western Roman Empire" (Live Science) 7. "What Caused the Fall of the Western Roman Empire" (HistoryExtra) 8. "The Fall of Rome: Causes and Consequences" (History Today) 9. "The Role of Christianity in the Fall of the Western Roman Empire" (The Conversation) 10. "The Fall of Rome: A Military Analysis" (HistoryNet)