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How to Combat Employee Burnout During Coronavirus The coronavirus pandemic has pushed many businesses and employees to their limits. With the majority of people now working from home, employees are facing an increased workload, longer hours, and a lack of separation between work and personal life. To combat this, it's important for employers to recognize the signs of employee burnout and take steps to address it. Here are a few tips to help you do that: 1. Encourage breaks. Working from home can be isolating and it's easy to get caught up in work and lose track of time. Encourage your employees to take regular breaks throughout the day to get up, stretch, and give their eyes a rest from the computer screen. 2. Make time for socializing. Working from home can feel lonely, so it's important to give your employees time to connect with each other. Schedule regular video calls to check in with each other, or have an occasional virtual happy hour. 3. Implement flexible hours. Working from home can make it difficult to draw a line between work and home life. To help with this, give your employees the flexibility to adjust their work hours to better fit their lifestyle. 4