Science & Technology
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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
- Scientific American Humor is a powerful tool for brightening up everyday life, and it can also be used to make us more creative, productive, and resilient. Here at Scientific American, we cover news, articles and videos related to the science and psychology of humor. From the latest research on the benefits of laughing to humorous videos that make us smile, our content explores the many ways humor can improve our lives. In addition, we examine the darker side of humor, such as why some jokes can be offensive or hurtful. With a blend of science and humor, our goal is to help you understand why humor is so important in our lives and how to use it to your advantage.
Unless you’re one of those organisms like the bdelloid rotifer that gave up sex forty million years ago because of their kids’ early-morning hockey games, sexual intercourse is an essential element of your marriage. As Sigmund Freud once said, “Sex is the oil-and-lube job that keeps the motor of marriage running smoothly.” Or maybe that…
I’ve noticed a trend recently. The East Coast newspapers I read, such as The New York Times and The Boston Globe, have taken to lecturing ordinary schmoes like me on a regular basis that things we believe to be self-evidently true are in fact false–when you look at them in the sort of nuanced, sophisticated way that…