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I was a slow adopter of personal branding initially because so much of it was so bad in my opinion. Now I live and die by executive personal branding and it’s what we do for clients every day. In fact, you can’t do an executive job search without it nowadays. But there is still so much bad personal branding advice out there. So I’m giving you 3 of my biggest personal branding pet peeves in this next video. And if you want to learn more of what TO DO to execute personal branding well, then join me for my next Executive Career Chat with Paula Edgar of PGE Consulting for our session titled “Personal Branding for Badass Executives” on Tuesday, February 25th at 12noonET. Go to to register. And don’t miss it. We don’t record these sessions…gotta be there live!
If you are eager to find jobs that are not posted, or what some like to call “The Unpublished Job Market” or others call “The Hidden Job Market”, then this video is for you. I have been hired this way 3 times in my career. So watch this video and I tell you how and the why behind finding roles that aren’t published and how to pitch yourself for them. And once you learn the how and why this works…I show you how to go get it done in So let’s do this. No long lengthy post today. Just short and to the point. Let’s go!
I probably speak to 15-20 job-seeking execs per week. Lately, I’ve been hearing a common piece of bad job search advice that I can’t ignore anymore. So this video outlines the bad advice and how to fix it. Following this bad advice is making employers think you are not honest…one of the LAST things you want an employer to think about in a prospective leader. So watch it. And fix it. And if you need help fixing it, schedule a call ( with me to discover what it will take for us to partner with you to fix it, so you thrive. You deserve better. Here is the link to my LinkedIn PSA:
Avoiding job scams needs to be at the top of every job seeker’s mind. These unscrupulous scammers are looking for the desperate, the naive, and the most vulnerable. And it’s disgusting. So, I did a quick video on how you can avoid job scams. Nothing is foolproof…but protect yourself. You can also follow my friends @Mark Anthony Dyson and @Steve Levy for job scams and recruiting insights. And if you want to learn about our outreach amplification service that can help your outreach efforts, DM me and ask about it. Help ♻️by reposting this info to promote my friends and this info on avoiding job scams.
I don’t see much written about the moves to avoid so you don’t cheapen your brand on LinkedIn. There are suggestions galore on LinkedIn on how to improve your executive presence on LinkedIn…but you may not know what you don’t even know! So my next video gives you four moves that cheapen your executive brand on LinkedIn. Don’t do these! After watching this, if you want more free LIVE LinkedIn training, join me on Tuesday, January 28th at 12 noon ET for my training titled “How To Write Your LinkedIn Profile To Land Interviews.” I will cover 13 ways to get eyeballs to your profile…you will walk away with tactics to put to use immediately that will help you be found. Don’t miss it!
I want to help you get traction today. These three moves I outline in today’s video, if done today, can help you get your job search going. Heck, the first one alone will move things forward. You up for the challenge? And if you want to hire us to do them for you, schedule a chat with me using this link: Accelerate your job search now…
Interpreting The Job Report Numbers Yearly job creation numbers, the monthly unemployment report, and so on… Monthly, quarterly, and yearly, these types of numbers on job creation and unemployment activity come out for all of us to pontificate on… And in this next video, I give you my two cents on how to interpret these numbers and use them for your job search. What do you think? Let me know in the comments… PSSST….No matter what the tea leaves say, you will need an updated resume. Go to to ensure your resume is updated for the strategy deployed based on the numbers.
This time of year can be chaotic (understatement of the year, am I right?). Commitments and expectations can bubble over, making you stressed, if you’re not careful. In this video, I outline 2 moves that I am using myself to help keep stress down. What do you think? I wish you much peace and happiness during this time of year and wish you much success in 2025! Be well, Lisa P.S. Not everyone is busy during the holiday season…so if this resonates with you and you want a new role in 2025, use our self-guided program for $127 (48% off) to kick start your job search. Go to to get started!
Job rejection isn’t a roadblock; it’s a strategic pivot. Every ‘no’ is market intelligence that helps you refine your personal brand and career trajectory. Your resilience transforms setbacks into powerful opportunities for professional growth and future success. Here are 6 steps that will help you rebound strongly from stinging job search rejection: 1. Acknowledge your…
LinkedIn is a power tool for both executive recruiters and senior-level job seekers. I walk through two ways recruiters use LinkedIn to find executive talent in this video. I’ve been on LinkedIn since 2006…first as an executive recruiter, next as a senior-level job seeker myself (who has been found by recruiters), and most recently as an executive job landing consultant. The trifecta of LinkedIn experience! But it’s always good to get other recruiting experts to weigh in on how recruiters use LinkedIn to find candidates for their open roles. So I’m super excited to have my next Executive Career Chat hosting an experienced executive recruiter who can share insight on: 💡… all the ways executive recruiters use LinkedIn to find talent 💡…various tactics used to reach people who aren’t often contacted 💡…skills executives need to have for third party recruiters to want to reach out Meet me at my next Executive Career Chat to listen to our conversation and get the inside scoop to shorten your next job search. Register for the next free session on Tuesday, 1/14/2025 at 12noonET using this link: Start 2025 strong! Let’s do this…
Gotta love a good rhyming subject line. 🤣 All kidding aside, 2024 was a rough year for many. I’ll let you in on that I had my share of challenges, too. But I’m excited for 2025. And I share with you why in this week’s video… If this message resonates with you, where you are equally hopeful about next year AND you are looking to launch your job search right, then schedule a call with me to explore how to hire us to accelerate your search. Use this link to schedule a chat with me directly to evaluate our services: Best way to start 2025!
Fortune Magazine and HR Daily Recruiter cite two surprising stats that explain why the job search is hard…and I share them with you in the video Well, maybe surprising if you are a job seeker. But not so shocking if you are a recruiter or hiring managers. After you watch, what do you think? Is it what you are seeing in the market place? I give you 4 more statistics outlining why the job search is painfully slow…and a 4 step solution that helps you reverse these trends and crush these stats. And those who know me know I don’t use the word “crush” lightly. After watching my video, go to for the remaining reasons why the job search is hard and the 4 step solution that will help you overcome the obstacles and get results like 10 years of clients have done (check out our monthly recommendations going back 10 years from job changing clients).
Ever wonder what people who land great jobs are doing that you aren’t? Well in this video, I tell you I share with you what our clients who are succeeding are doing that are leading to great, well paying roles they are excited about! Once you watch, if you want us to do this for you… schedule a chat with me directly at Let 2025 be your year…
Being in a toxic work environment is no fun. I’ve had my share of bad bosses and unpleasant co-workers prior to opening Chameleon. And I’ve even been harrassed by fellow competition resume writers in the past. (Who knew resume writing could be a blood sport…🙄) While I wish none of it happened, it did. So I’m gonna share with you my lessons in hopes of it helping you if you are in a toxic situation with a boss, coworker, or someone else work related (competitor, vendor, client, etc…) in this video. And know you don’t have to stay stuck. You can get out of your toxic work environment to find a job you are truly thankful for each day by going to Write your resume and profile with online and written guidance from me this weekend! And then sign up for our coaching to get the next steps on how to conduct your job search to land interviews fast. Don’t stay stuck. You deserve to be happy! The best way get back at toxic people is to do well. So let’s do it well…😉
As the world becomes more technological, I see an increase in our need to connect as humans. I don’t know about you, but all this tech and efficiency, can leave me wanting to talk to a human… And I say this as an introvert. I can work from my house… Work out in my home… Meal prep and eat at home… And before you know it, it’s 7 pm and I haven’t chatted with a human all day. So I set up networking meetings for myself using the following two tactics discussed in this video often to break up my day. Also…it helps others! If you want to find other ways to meet people, consider our service. You can reach out to up to 1200 people that you choose to reach out to, in 3 months…without sending one message yourself. Sound intriguing? Go to…read it over…and if you want to give it a go, comment below saying “Let’s do this” and I’ll message you to get started!
Controversial topic here… Subservient interviewing, where you seek approval from the hiring manager, doesn’t work for executive hiring in 2024. Companies want leaders who can capitalize on opportunity or help them eliminate challenges. You have heard me say before that’s more of a business meeting of equals seeing if it’s a good merger than an applicant jumping through hoops held by a hiring manager. Additionally, that corporate need may not be formulated in a job description. I explain why in the video. So, how do you find these needs? Yep, watch my video…. And to ensure you are prepared for these kinds of interviews, get my ebook, Getting hired in the market means doing things differently…
Politics, environment, social issues, and governance all play a role in being an executive corporate board member nowadays… Frankly, it’s always been prevalent. But with AI, data integrity, social inequity, climate concerns, and our tumultuous politics affecting business to the heights it has been in recent years, being a board member has been a difficult task even for those who are naturally suited to take on tasks that require the strongest of fortitudes. It’s not for the faint of heart … at all. Board roles are on the rise…and boards are expanding! So don’t be caught on the sidelines. My next video helps you position yourself for being the Executive Board Member we both know you can be! And if you want more in-depth information from my next PopUpCareerChat guest, six-time board role exec, Shelly Lombard, you will be getting your info from the one person who knows. Go to and register for my chat with Shelly at
The next 60 days starts holiday season! That means it’s fun networking season, too! It’s easier to reach out to people to touch base. People are more receptive. It’s lighter. It’s festive. And in my next video, I give you three ways to make LinkedIn work for you during this time. You can have FUN and be PRODUCTIVE at the same time! Win-win, my little over-achievers. Let’s do this!
My latest trip to Ithaca for Cornell’s Trustee & Council Annual Meeting conference inspired me to reach out to many people I knew and would soon know to meet them on campus. This is one way to use LinkedIn to expand your network. In this video, I cover three ways to expand your network and how to execute it. Building your network before you need it is important. Why? —when you are connected to more of the right people, you show up in more of the right searches —common connections bolster your first impression when someone looks at your profile —and you simply have more people who can help you when you do it before you need it. So build it now. Use these three tactics in the video and get my Generate Leads Using LinkedIn ebook at LinkedIn is a good mine of opportunity—but only if you take the time to mine it. And you can do it in 5-10 minutes a few times a week … listen to the video for how!
Quality LinkedIn connections matter more than you may suspect. In this video, I discuss why LinkedIn connections can help advance your career beyond simply having direct connections. For more unique job landing tactics, join my live training at The next session is Tuesday, October 22nd, at 12 noon. I'll cover what comprises a Fail-Safe Job Search Strategy to help you land your next role faster. Forget the old ideas about "beating the ATS." Stop chasing after the "ATS resume" myth and discover how our clients are actually getting hired. See you next week!
4 Problems With Resume Templates I champion the DIYer Job Seeker. While I value professionally written executive resumes, obviously, I know everyone doesn’t need or is unable to hire a professional resume writer. So, I want to make sure that you have the top resume templates that are free of these 4 problems I’ve observed in hundreds of free and low-cost resume templates. Watch this video explaining the 4 consistent problems I’ve observed and why they are problems to avoid…. And if you want templates that are problem-free, then go to Buy the templates I’ve designed (an ex-recruiter) that have landed interviews.
“I felt like a deer in a wolf cave…” is what one exec told me when talking about his workplace. I speak to executives every week who tell me about work scenarios that leave them nervous and unsettled. Cutthroat environments. Toxic bosses. Manipulative co-workers. These are all reasons that can make YOU want to leave YOUR job. But what about the unexpected layoff? Or the didn’t-see-it-coming firing? People tell me all the time, “it came out of nowhere…” But when they tell me the story, the signs were there. They just didn’t see them. Couldn’t see them. They were too close to the situation. So, in this video, I walk you through 4 signs that could mean you are losing your job. Don’t let it be you. Discover career resilience in my next Pop Up Career Chat. Register at and join me and Joe Topinka, expert coach on the topic of executive career resilience. You won’t want to miss this. I don’t record these. So make sure you register at and mark your calendar!
Everywhere you turn, you hear someone mentioning ageism, the election, and/or the economy and why the job search is hard for them. Sound familiar? Resonate with you? As a business owner, these reasons definitely show up on certain days as obstacles to contend with… The job search is no different. But what if I told you these can be things that elevate you into your next role and not be excuses for inactivity? Watch my next video and tell me what you think. And, if you are ready to accept that you need help with a different approach that is working for others, schedule a chat with me at Stop struggling and get help… We are here for you…
Attention spans are waning. Never been shorter than they are today. If your resume doesn’t grab the attention of the reader immediately, you run the risk of them not reading any further than your executive resume summary. So watch this 2-minute video (link) to learn just what to do and why…. And then feel free to jump over to to see how it’s done. Feel free to comment below and let me know your thoughts.
Ghosting can be defined in a few different ways — and I talk about it in this video. Ghosting is never ok… But as an ex-recruiter, I can give you some inside perspective on what is happening behind the scenes to help you not take it so personally. And that's what I want to help you with—feeling better in this jungle of a job search process. Also, next week on 8/13 @ 12 noon ET, I'm hosting Ashley Herd of The Manager Method, and we'll discuss all things hiring from HR's perspective. Go to to register for next week's session. It's gonna be a doozy, as Ashley is a straight shooter on how to be a great manager, calling out bad management moves and ensuring people feel good at work. I'm excited! And I know you will get so much out of this. See you next week! #ashleyherd #managermethod #hr #ghosting And here is my article on ghosting I wrote years ago. It still resonates today!
We have jumped into the ChatBot pool! 🏊♀️🏊♂️🏊 Introducing Cham The Virtual Job Search Coach. In this video, I explain how we built Cham and what to expect. And I challenge you to ask Cham your most pressing question by going to See how Cham handles it. Let me know what you think! And while we have tested it for months, nothing is perfect. So, if you get a quirky answer…let me know! Excited for your feedback. comment below to DM me!
You have 4 weeks to get prepared for a September job search. Summer slipping away? Meant to do it earlier? It’s ok…you still have time!! The three items I give you in the video will help you get launched if you start now. And if you want us to amplify your success while allowing you to enjoy your summer by working together, then go to to schedule a chat and discuss your unique situation. You can have both an enjoyable summer and job security!! You don’t have to pick one.
To send a thank you note or not send one…that’s the question. I give you the pros and cons of sending a thank you note in this video. And if you are going to send one, I show you three problems that can arise if you aren’t careful. If you decide to send one, my ebook found at will show you actual letters that were part of a client receiving an offer. Grab your copy after watching the video!
Are ageism or the challenging economy to blame for your job woes? Or perhaps both? The job market can be unforgiving, and receiving no response from a resume submission is exhausting. It can feel like a small victory just to get a rejection—because it's an actual response! I understand your frustration. However, blaming external factors like ageism or the economy won't help you move forward. You can't fix ageism. And you can't fix the economy. Instead, let's focus on what you can control: your network. According to Forbes, strong professional networks are essential for career growth, especially in tough economic times. Harvard Business Review also emphasizes the importance of securing meetings through recommendations from respected industry figures. Lou Adler, CEO of The Adler Group, found that 85% of roles are filled through networking. Our experience with clients confirms this statistic. So, how do you find time to network effectively? Introducing 💥Outreach Amplifier💥, our newest AI-based service designed to put you in a position where you're only replying to people interested in chatting with you. In this video, I outline how works and how it can help you accelerate results in your search…without more effort from you. Gain an advantage in your job search by leveraging this powerful tool. Here's how you can take action: 1. **Visit [Outreach Amplifier]( to learn more about how this service can transform your job search.** 2. **Schedule a chat with me at [Chameleon Resumes]( to discuss how we can help you.** This is a high-touch service, and we're only opening 10 spots for immediate enrollment. Once those spots are filled, you'll have to wait for the next enrollment period. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your power back and connect with people interested in you. Act now to secure your spot and start transforming your job search today. Be well, Lisa
“I don’t want to miss out on anything” is often what I hear when I tell an executive they are being too broad in their job search. And being broad has the opposite unintended effect: no one calls you. So this explains why… If you want to learn more about the importance of being specific in your job search, join me for my next PopUpCareerChat with Ben Sands of Sands Leadership, a coaching and training company that helps leaders and teams work better together. Which is what every employer wants? So don’t miss this and why it’s important for your job search. Ben and I are going to talk about: The Concrete Ask: 5 questions every executive should ask before a job search The link to register is Grab your seat and make sure you don’t miss it! We don’t record these events.
The current news and business climate make me want to focus on what I can control… I don’t like feeling like things are out of control… Since so much is not within my realm of control…if I’m truly honest with myself. While life is life-ing and news is news-ing….what are you going to do? Get caught up? Try to guide the direction of a tornado? It’s a drain of energy. How much time do you spend fretting about things you do not have one iota of control over? I know I have been guilty of this over the years 🙋🏻♀️ My video covers how you stop doing what you have been doing and do more of what you should be doing so you don’t lose yourself in all the noise. It’s how you get your life back and control what you CAN control. Thoughts? Reply and let me know.
2 Traits of Recently Successful Executive Job Seekers … And Why Job landing is happening in this market. Maybe not as easily or as prolifically as it was in 2017 or 2021…but hiring is happening. Hiring is never zero. Ever. Chaos breeds opportunity. You always need to know how to reframe what you do as a solution to the uncertainty and calamity we find ourselves in today… If you say things to yourself (or out loud to others) like: —the economy is why I’m not getting interviews (but companies need experts to help them thrive under these conditions) —they went with an internal (but you still competed as a legitimate choice, right?) —companies are holding off on hiring (but work still needs to happen inside the company, right? …Then you may be using the wrong mindset. That’s a free “trait” I give you here for reading. You see possibilities in chaos—and not let the chaos rule your head or heart. And if you want the OTHER 2 traits that successful job seekers are showing that are helping them land faster in this market, watch my video. I want you to be successful. Embody these two traits in addition to the third bonus trait I gave you here. Let me know what you think…
6 months into the year is an excellent time to regroup to ensure you have a banner end of the year. In this next video, I give you three ways to regroup. It’s a combo of internal and external-focused tasks that help you laser in on what you want and should be doing. Without taking a minute to evaluate your plan from January, how will you get to where you are going? My husband loves that saying: “Measure twice. Cut once” 6 months is a good time to measure to make sure you cut where you want 😉
Wishing for a day without news to react to in your business? Well, we can wish for things… lol. Good luck with that… Geopolitical uncertainty is the new norm…and some would say it’s been the norm, but you may just wake up to it as your norm. So, how do you do a job search when you hear things like: —“We are waiting for the election to be over…” —“We have to see what transpires in the war between ____ and ____” (Insert warring countries as you see fit). —“We have to wait for the tide to turn back in favor on _____.” (Fill in with topics like DEI, Equity, Etc…) You heard these lately, right? Heck, you may have even said it at your last board meeting or at your most recent executive committee meet-up. But here is the deal…. The work still needs to be done. Customers still have needs. Employees still need to work and go to work safely. And the economy is never zero. So in this video, I talk about how you move through the uncertainty….successfully. Here are three ways you can take care of yourself and how we can help: Free: DIY: As our client:
Getting the inside scoop on how executive hiring happens can give senior-level job seekers the edge they need. Don’t just believe me…. I have 5 executive recruiter truth bombs in this video that can help executive job seekers understand what’s happening on the other side. Truths from ➡️Kirk Coleman of Major, Lindsey & Africa, ➡️Sonya Olds Som from Diversified Search, ➡️Mark Polansky, formerly from Korn Ferry, ➡️Emily Neill from Robert Half, and ➡️Steve Levy, a respected recruiter, has been in search and corporate recruiting for decades. Want more recruiter truths to help with your job search? Go to to register for our next event with Brian Fink and Steve Levy. What would you add? Who else should I be talking to? #popupcareerchat #recruitertruthbombs #executiverecruiting #executivesearch
I was inspired by The St. Francis Prayer or Stephen Covey for this video. (It depends on who you follow…) "seek first to understand, then be understood…" If job seekers take the time to understand what recruiters do and how hiring happens, they will lessen their frustration when things don't go as planned and increase their odds of reaching a bonafide hiring manager with an effective message. Imagine if, as a job seeker, you focused on what a recruiter needed when reaching out or submitting an application….instead of focusing only on all of your qualifications, hoping something would grab their attention. Now, this may seem like a subtle nuance…but can you see the shift? Too many job seekers (understandably) focus on only being seen…I get it. You need a job. As a result, they often try super hard, throwing everything they have to catch a recruiter's eye. Now imagine this: 1000 candidates in a week…giving everything they got to recruiters to catch their attention. It's a lot. Recruiters are drained from tending to every candidate who rightfully needs attention. How can you do it differently? Seek to understand recruiters. How? I talk about this in the video. What do you think?
Nowadays, it’s virtually impossible for any executive to conduct a successful job search without LinkedIn. In this video, I discuss three strategies for a successful executive job search. Thoughts? Want more training on this topic? Go to for a free, on-demand 60-minute training that dives deeper into each of the three topics I discuss in the video. And yes, this training is on-demand… heeding the request of those who want to watch it at their convenience. Let me know your thoughts.