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Free Thought Blogs Pharyngula
Spoiler: it’s not much of a plan. He points out the magnitude of the problem: Trump has the backing of billionaires, who are rushing to fund his every desire; he has the media under his contr…
We’re not going to see any bravery from the Republican lickspittles. In private, they’re even admitting that they’re trembling in fear. Senate and House Republicans know Trump wil…
I got email from someone calling himself “devoted natural science diletant”, criticizing me for paying attention to Intelligent Design creationism, a fair cop. I think he’s expres…
I’m feeling better today. At least my gut has stopped spasming, and I don’t feel like I have curl into a fetal ball and dream about dying. I haven’t had the flu in about 5 years, …
My wife and I went on a date to this movie last night. It was OK, not as amusing as the previous one, but you knew from the beginning that everything would be fine. I had one moment of concern, and…
But I could try, if the New York Times would give me a sinecure as their atheist columnist, and if I were willing to discard any self-respect I might have. After all, they do employ the most insipi…
At least we’re getting words of encouragement from the administration. Dear Colleagues, Since our founding in 1851, the University of Minnesota has distinguished itself as a global leader in …
I know Twitter was addictive, but dear god, you’ve got to stop. I went cold turkey in November of 2023. You can do it! You’re not on Facebook, are you? Sorry, you need to kick both habi…
Ken Ham is excited about another discovery of traces of collagen in dinosaur bones. Me? I’m saying ho-hum, it’s mildly interesting, but it’s not what you think it is. Kenny-boy th…
When I want to hide from the news, I’ve always got bugs to tend. I’ve been neglecting my mealworm colony, so this morning I cleaned it out — it was mostly full of frass, which exp…
My wife & I have discussed flying out to Washington state, maybe with a side trip down the Oregon coast, but I may have to rethink that. The Trump administration has begun firing several hundre…
It’s all her fault. Iliana is bringing on Winter Storm Iliana. I hope she doesn’t have to pay for all the damages. She must like her grandparents though, because it looks like it’…
At the beginning of the semester, I was pleased to see that I had no classes on Friday, and I looked forward to several months of 3 day weekends. Hah. Work expands to fill the time allotted for it.…
The Trump administration and his unelected stooge, Elon Musk, had charged in and imposed a blanket reduction of all indirect costs to 15% — indirect costs are the mechanism used to support th…
It’s getting harder and harder to find something optimistic about. Seeing science knee-capped and obnoxious snots under Musk’s employ rifling through the IRS files and plotting to destr…
A bill has been introduced in Washington DC by a congressman from Georgia. It’s real. Buddy Carter has got to be one of the dumbest suck-ups in congress. I am embarrassed to be from this coun…
This drunken sot and serial sexual harasser, Pete Hegseth, was appointed Secretary of Defense by a president who doesn’t give a damn about competence. Hegseth recently banned transgender peop…
Of course it did. Baleen whales don’t have teeth to chew him up, and their throats are too narrow to swallow him whole, so this kayaker just had a brief, fun little trip to tell his friends a…
These are the states suing HHS and the NIH over their disastrous policy on indirect costs. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIG…
It’s Darwin Day! And it is sort of about him, sorta. It’s not like a Catholic saint’s feast day, or like a day idolizing a Communist revolutionary, or even like gushing over a pop…
The Discovery Institute is thrilled by Rogan and Weinstein, entirely because these conspiracy theorists criticize “Darwinism”. It’s laughable. Rogan is an ignorant meathead, and W…
Dan Phelps presents an overview of all of Answers in Genesis’s shenanigans, right up to the recent news of a known pedophile in Ken Ham’s employ. Isn’t it remarkable how much cree…
Shame on the American Society for Microbiology. A prominent US scientific society altered its website to remove references to diversity and equity ― terms targeted by the administration of US Presi…
Everywhere in the world, including Canada, although we shouldn’t talk about it here in the United States. We can celebrate the day quietly in our hearts, though.
This email was long and particularly vapid, so I’m not going into detail on it, but I do include the whole damn thing below the fold for your entertainment. To summarize it briefly, my corres…
Gibs went flying out both ends, and from a few places in the middle. I splattered the bathtub, the floor, the walls. It is not pleasant when the flu comes to visit. I am now trying to reassemble my…
The situation is dire. Here’s a good overview. Zach is not being hysterical. Everything he said is objective fact and an accurate prediction. It’s hitting me personally now. I was benef…
I took a break and visited my local coffee shop for the first time in a few weeks, and I sat down with a cup and thought I’d read for a bit. I had my tablet with me, and I figured I could gra…
I know that this was low-budget mid-1960s sci-fi, but this monster is ridiculous.
We have lubed up our mighty door, and it opens and closes much more easily now. Unfortunately, the damage is done, and my wrist is undergoing some fascinating physiological changes. It is now mottl…
This is the main door to my house. It’s massive. What you can’t see is how thick and heavy it is. This is a door that would stand up to an assault by orcs armed with Grond. In the winte…
Well, this is a fascinating example of spider toxicity. A heroin addict, looking for a cheap high or a weird story to tell her friends, ground up a black widow spider in a little water and…injected…
I suspect most of you don’t read the Answers Research Journal, the hack pseudoscientific journal published by Answers in Genesis to create the illusion that they do actual research. They don&…
Rebecca Watson did her yearly roundup of psychic predictions made by her friends, and it seems I’m the only one to make some predictions for 2025. It was easy. I just said a few things that w…
I’ve been getting reassuring emails from my university to let me know that they have assembled a team to respond to the federal government shut down of NIH and NSF funded research. In case yo…
I was cleaning up a pile of stuff, and I found a treasure! That’s me and my son, Alaric, taken in Eugene in about 1984-85, I think. He’d just eaten a sandwich, so his face was a little …
The country may be swirling down the drain, but at least we’ve got some interesting news from outer space…even if Nature chose a really misleading title for their article, Asteroid fragments …
Michael Knowles, the far-right pundit on the Daily Wire, has posted a defense of Trump’s mass deportations that is basically a confession of American atrocities, and excusing them because the…
It got the name in the 16th century, it’s internationally accepted, but one clown thinks he has the authority to change it. Unfortunately, Google is happy to cave on this issue. Google said M…
I mentioned sex combs a while back, so I thought I’d clarify a bit — I hope none of you rushed out to buy one for yourself (I don’t think human sex combs exist, but if they do, I …