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Free Thought Blogs Pharyngula
A scene from the inauguration: Some elections are important, some are not. But this one, this one really mattered and I just want to say thank you for making it happen… then a bold unmistakeable Na…
We are so totally screwed. If you’re curious to know what the future holds for us, here’s a demonstration by Candace Owens. She babbles about how the moon landing and dinosaurs were all…
Think about how you can make young people happy: give them a puppy. I can’t afford to hand out puppies, but today is the day the students will come into my lab and I hand out fruit flies. Swa…
I like James O’Brien’s take on the recent contretemps. I would also argue that if you’re claiming it was not a Nazi salute, then you are either a Nazi-sympathizer or so stupid you…